Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Life, The Saga (part 3? WTF??)

Note: I wrote the following note as a disclaimer for the drama unnecessarily started (on Facebook, lmao I know right?) as a result of my blogs entitled "My Life, The Saga." For all of you who have read it, furthermore for those of you who actually care (why I dunno it's just a story, really), my intention was to tell a story. So that's what it is. If you care to identify yourself as the person in the story, do so. But know that no, the whole story is not included in my story cuz I don't want it to be. Thank you.
Lemme start by thanking everyone for reading my notes. I know I have a sharp tongue. But I say things knowing the responsibilities. Anyone I KNOW I offended I personally apologized to already, due to the fact I would rather not use identities to apologize here.
I appreciate anyone who reads my work. You are using your time to read my bullshit. That means alot.
NOW, the binizz,
To ALL MY FRIENDS. Please stop commenting IN DEFENSE of the note, or any comments to you because of it. I want you NOT involved w/my issues. I wrote this note as a story, a saga. Some things were true, some weren't. IT'S MY STORY AND I'LL LIE IF I WANT TO, LIE IF I WANT TO, LIE IF I WANT TO...
Which is why I did not want anyone taking it, or RESPONDING to it, personally. The reason I decided to tell a part of my past is because it's just that...the past. I've met endless women who are in similar positions and were relieved to know they weren't alone. I don't write to offend, or to get a response. I write to write. Some of my most favorite and best worked on blogs most ppl never looked at. That's how it is. However, when I get responses, whether negative or positive, I take it as me being an inspiration. I've been told I have inspired others to write and open their thoughts and express themselves. I've heard using this talent is therapy. THAT'S WHAT I DO IT FOR.
I did not want anyone arguing and bickering over my past. I am at the point in my life where I'd love to tell anyone I care about the exact truth bout me. Plus I just don't care.
Yea I've cheated, Yea I've lied, Yea I've went ham, gone violent, threatened suicide and homicide, and went totally nuts. Been called a hoe, hey I could be, but whoever thinks that STILL HAS NO COMPLAINTS. lol I'm a fool
But seriously, alot more ppl can relate to me than ya'll think. And if I'm the only one who has the guts to talk bout it, fine.
But I didn't wanna open the doors to "ALL MY BULLSHIT" lane. This was a story, all of you can believe what you want. That's the point. Every note I write you probably won't like. But unless it's in the news, I don't use names, so please respect that.
It's easy to get offended, and jump defensively to everything you think refers to you. But whoever feels it refers to you, if you feel the need to tell your side, that's the point to free speech. I love all of you, those who want me to rise, and those who want me to fall.
Oh...and as far as me and "The LaDonnas"...
Lol Me and LaDonna "Doonie" never got down. But me and LaDonna "Daykeeper" did. Happy now?

Peace ya'll

BTW...Yesterday was Michael Jackson's birthday. I really didin't want it celebrated this way, so today, everybody please be positive to make up for today's negativity. I love you all.

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