Thursday, January 28, 2010

If you weren't able to catch Barack Obama's first State of the Union Address (I dunno why I capitalized all that) grab some popcorn, sit back, and have a peek. I didn't post this because I "like" Obama, or cuz this is indeed a historically monumental moment. I was able to catch a clean 35 minutes of the speech, and for the first time I was able to see a Black man stand before the nation that he rules and recite a speech of dreams. For the past 8 years we've had to worry about war, oil, terrorists, etc. NOT SAYING Obama's focus is COMPLETELY geared in the most necessary direction, but there was a plethora of possible AND impossible feats to achieve before his term ends, let alone a chance for 4 more years.
Anywhoo, I really, really hope you take an hour (and 15 min if I'm not mistaken) and watch this w/me. I'd also like your thoughts, opinions. Hell do you think Obama has lost his mind lol? Let's find out what else could be history changing. The popcorn's ready...shhh...

Congratulations once again to our first African American President, Barack Obama. Change is still progress, and progress is a process. We're ALL going thru it. Have faith in yourselves, your families, and your communities that things can CHANGE. Mad love and pEaCe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

OK It's time to REALLY support our locals ya'll.
IF you haven't heard consider urself learned. ADD 2 is a hot fresh MC who's been killing the Chicago hip hop scene. He's now in the running for MTVU's Best Freshmen of the Week. Gone watch the video and start voting! Let's keep our MCs on the map!

Now copy and paste this link and start voting. And you can vote over & over so there's no excuse lol.
Hit up his website and give a listen to his newest mixtape that's buzzing like a bee, Tale of Two Cities Vol. 3

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm Single (That's that piece)

Let me clarify
I'm single not cuz of my status w/a guy

Or a girl

I'm single like the mold was broken
As in
I'm an individual, not the token

Put me anywhere and I AM DIFFERENT

A Pisces of 2 Aries, there was nothing ONLY about this child
I was single then, and I'm single now.

I'm single on this hustle,tho some choose to join me
Single on my decisions, my risks, my bets
Single on how to make him scream
Or already singled out the next.

The non plural I until our energies collide
When I single you till we are single in time.

(That's that piece)

I dunno if that makes sense,but it does to me. Peace

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"I think I better let it go...(let it go baby)"

As you all know, I want noting but to start off year 2010 right. Right thinking, right money, right relationships, so it's natural to expect a few things to go wrong. It creates the balance we know as life. And when one life ends, like life, we must go on. With that said, please take a moment for the two big losses of 2010 so far.
The victims (so far) of the earthquake in Haiti
Teddy Pendergrass
Though my heart hangs very heavy for Sir Pendergrass, right now I'm more focused on the disaster in Haiti. The earthquake has been compared to Hurricane Katrina, however I can't juxtapose the two. Unlike Katrina, our current president actually cares about the efforts needed to aid Haiti. Also, this is a COUNTRY, not a couple US states. However, just like New Orleans a whole culture is at risk, a rich history is being crushed beneath broken asphalt.

You and I see headlines, news updates, and join Facebook groups relating to "helping the cause." But really, really imagine being a survivor, a victim, or simply being present. This is a natural disaster caused by unnatural forces (what I believe about the weather I will not elaborate on at this time) and it's going to take alot more than a couple internet donations and Twitter updates to heal the wounds of this devastating situation.

Watch CBS News Videos Online
Tomorrow I will elaborate on the efforts for Haiti and what you can REALLY do to help. And if you want to compare the earthquake to Hurricane Katrina, here's a good time. Because there are STILL thousands of families dislocated and homeless due to lack of funding, attention, and aid.

But when's the LAST time you REALLY thought about Hurricane Katrina? I mean REALLY? Been a while huh? Let's not let our Haitian brothers and sistas be left in the same abandonment. There are OUR PEOPLE. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, even BRAZIL is sending aid. the more we pull together, the more we can see the light within ourselves.
I have many friends of Haitian descent and who live in the country as we speak. Please pray and send good spirits to those in need. Do what you can, and trust it's more than giving money.

Baby By Me (Obama Welfare Edition)

What's sexier than getting pregnant by a millionaire? Getting pregnant by a nigga with a Link card! Free shrimp n steak for the shorties!!

Give it up for my brother Derek "Pretty Boy" Dow. He put this ridiculousness together lol. Talented promoter, film maker, and entrepreneur. Ladies, keep ur pants on!! Check out his blog, Everything Under the Sun

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a New Year...but It's JUST a new year tho...

Happy New Year, Happy New YOU! I like saying that around this time,cuz it's important to focus on more than weight loss and smoking resolutions. Lol it kinda trips me out how most ppl start their year off breaking the resolution they made that night...mostly after a couple glasses of course. But we have to stop limiting our goals and self control to a year to year basis.

Some ppl went to bed broke on December 31 and woke up broke on January 1. Some ended the year w/the same insecurities as 2009, hell, 1999 simply cuz it's a part of who they are. Others began 2010 w/absolutely no intention of improving their situation. It is what it is. But when the clock strikes midnight, people remember you are not Cinderella. SHIT DOES NOT CHANGE.

You have those same bills,that same family,maybe that same job,hopefully that same sanity, and your same self. OF all just mentioned, which can you control the most? DUH.
So until YOU are New Years ready,stop making 2010 your "mark for change." Think about why it took your ass a whole year to get right anyway. Hell most of the resolutions I hear are things that should've started in October and shit.

Stop smoking
Stop cursing
Start going to church
Start being faithful
Get a better job
Get/finish education
Stop lying
Visit family more
Get in shape

You get my drift.New Years conveniently falls in one of the hardest periods of the year. Most suicides are reported during the holidays, the weather sucks, and ppl get stressed over regrets.So it fits that after all that celebration, and for some loneliness,that ANOTHER holiday comes along to help us forgive ourselves for what happened and hopefully be optimistic about the future.But remember,it was only ONE YEAR.365 days good people, and if you have to wait that long to remind yourselves to do the same shit you should be doing all year round then maybe we should celebrate New Years every other week.

I watched ppl smoke like chimneys up till the ball dropped, my friends take the same shit from their deadbeat relationships,some stuff their face claiming "after the first I'm only eating lettuce" I mean come on!
Get right now,and when December 31 comes, you can sip your champagne, lay back and make one resolution...To continue doing you.

Happy New YOU worms, and celebrate EVERYDAY. Fuck New Years. :-D


It's 2010,so you know I gotta get the rest of the bullshit on my brain out. And if there's one thing that has caused a bit of bull is my sexuality.
I'm bisexual.
That's it. I am SEXUALLY attracted to both sexes. This does not mean I only have threesomes, or I feel obligated to screw every person I see. And even if I did feel obligated it wouldn't be cuz I'm bisexual...
So even in this day and age I have problems expressing my self through sexuality, I'll elaborate.
When I see a beautiful woman, I am attracted just as much and in the same way as when I see a beautiful man. Certain features about both catch my eye. I love African features, regardless of skin tone...large lips, strong bone structure,nice eyes,smile, you get the point.

Ultimately,because I can only see myself actually settling down with a man, I look at my sexuality as just that, my SEXUAL desire that affects the people I involve myself with.
Some of my friends call me a pimp, I feel I'm honest. I've only had 1 serious relationship w/a woman, while in college, and though I loved her,I enjoyed her,she turned me on,but I didn't feel balanced.I felt the emotional scale of the relationship was tipped too far to one side and neither of us were ready to take any control. Not saying that a man and a woman are needed for that balance,but w/me, it is. And I realized that immediately so when I'm w/a woman it's strictly sexual/platonic.
When in a relationship w/a man,I'm still bisexual,but I'm involved with one person,that man.So call me heterosexual,if it makes ur more comfy. And yes,if I'm committed enough and him and I are on that sexual level, my sexuality just may benefit a couple of his fantasies, I won't lie lol. But I don't let guys feel they are subject to a 3some just cuz I like chicks. He might as well be just as worried bout me hooking up w/a dude as a girl. REAL talk.
Women who have tried to get deep w/me got a chance, I'm open. But it's usually the case where the woman's tired of men and wanna try sumtin new, or it's a fantasy she's played so much in her head she wants to live the life. Others are just following the fad. I'm not riding any of the trains.
I'm me.And the problem w/that is people like me who enjoy both sexes are seen as hoes, loose,or nymphomaniacs. Ppl like me don't wanna run around with rainbow flags nor do we enjoy watching a gay couple get publicly humiliated. Something within me allows me to see the same type of beauty in everyone,male or female, and that shouldn't determine my level of commitment or loyalty to a relationship.
We can't be labeled. And sure, there is moral and ethical responsibility when it comes to marriage, and children, but fuck it I aint worried bout that right now. I'm worried about what makes me happy and keeping the person I'm with happy. That may be a dude,may be a chick.
...don't eeeeeeven worry bout it.
And that's kinda how us bi babies hope you can start seeing it. We just don't care, why?
Cuz everyone's beautiful to us. Especially YOU.
Keep loving each other,but not before you love yourself worms.