Friday, August 6, 2010

Facebook-less Living...Niiiiiice

"OMG you're not on Facebook? Well I'll just Tweet you then."
I get into a conversation like this about 4 times a week. And no, I'm not on either.
You can't Facebook me, can't see my Twitter Tweets, and good luck on finding my MySpace...
do ppl still use MySpace?
All my wurms from way back know about my blog basically saying fuck Facebook. I must say I did contradict that by signing back on again. My intentions were to use Facebook for my business,my show,and my blog (of course!).
But then the need returned. THE NEED.
That's right, it had gotten to the point where I HAD to Facebook again. Where every run-in with an old friend ended with "Just Facebook me...I'm on Twitter too!" Where every other or funny situation instantly became a "great Facebook status." Where I had over 800 friends when I can name no more than 20 I truly consider my ppl.
My pictures were mostly those of me at shows or parties, I don't live that life daily.
Honestly I like being in my apartment with my boyfriend or chilling lakeside with a few friends talkin shit. Facebook had started taking on a perspective of me that made me tired. Not to mention a daily reminder that my ex is still alive. BOOOOOO lol.
I'd forget to poke someone back, or read a note, or check my invites, or check my inbox, accept or decline an opportunity to grow a garden, sell drugs in NY, or be in a fake sorority...sounds funny, but alot of people started rating their level of friendship on these factors.
Every week I'm seeing someone close to me (and @ one time, myself) really get into it with someone else via messages or public statuses. It takes 2; the person to say the comment, and the other to say sumtin back. People are waaaaay too affected by words. Typed words.
Facebook takes away the personal contact. People say shit on there that they never would face to face. Some create images of lifestyles they don't live. And that's fucked up!
"Social Networking" is a bit vague if you ask me. Nevertheless I don't knock it, many ppl really do use it just for business, or recreation. But way too many try to fulfill the image created on this site, and others or use it as a tool to argue, flex muscle of the mouth, or just be a whiny sensitive little bitch! (Cmon, everyone's been a WSLB at least once or twice). Not to mention grown ass parents, grandparents, aunts and shit got more non-business-related issues on FB than their kids. But that's cool, right? Grow the fuck up.
So please excuse my absence from FB. This isn't to discourage anyone from using it, just re-evaluate how you use it if you find yourself constantly in the middle of drama, or simply doin too much! Use it to really connect to people, cuz we're slowly taking away the strong connection of really being with another person. I fear that one day everyone's memories will be something they saw on FB, or a Tweet they caught at lunch. I don't fear technology,just its effects.
So use the rest of this summer to really lilnk up with your friends. And if you're out of state, USE THE PHONE.
And if you find yourself within the beef that is a FB argument, remember this. ANY idiot can type a bunch of insulting words, but only the TRUE IDIOT will take those words to heart, and get offended. Whatever happened to sticks and stones?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Na Palm...another Chicago artist on fiya!

Check out Napalm, str8 outta Chicago. Imagine a kick ass mix of hip hop, electronic, house, and funk all rolled up into one fly white boy. Check him out on Facebook, YouTube, and of course ReverbNation (one of my favs for local talent).

This single is blowing up YouTube! Start rockin to "Nay Is Like"

Support gotdammit! We gotta start being known for more than Lupe, Kanye, and Twista for once lol!
And please don't hate, yes it seems like he's trying a lil hard, but lyrically I give him his credit.
If niggas can support learning how to Dougie and hittin em with dat Flex they can support this. Hmph!

Now I REALLY feel like somebody's watchin me

Chicago Chicago man? First an oversized silver jelly bean and now a giant eyeball? Mayor Daley is just letting anything get setup to attract tourists. There's enough creepiness on State Street without a 30 foot eye checking me out. Ah well, I'm sure it was money well spent.
Ya know, with all the other shit we're being over charged for just to live here. Geez.


How is this thing fun to look at? And I want the truth...what can that eye REALLY see? Mmm hmm, I plan to remain suspicious.
Maybe next year the city will tweak out again and hang a big black penis from the Sears Tower. Get ya cameras ready!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Shawt Bus Shawty" Video! Hilarious!!

For those who haven't seen this video yet, it's hilarious. All the Gucci/Wacka/OJ fans, hold your gut lol. With 2 million views in 3 weeks, I think alot of people feel this way about the So Icy crew.

Vote For Tomorrow Kings for "Toast of the Coast" Contest!!

Ya'll know I gotta support the Kings. LOCAL TALENT!! Click on the following link to vote (everyday please!) and help them win this contest. It's gonna put em on!

And don't forget the North Coast Must Fest this Labor Day Weekend @ Union Park in where else? Chi city baby. The artists line up is crazy, Nas, Damian Marley, The Chemical Brothers, Jay Electronica, De La Soul, Lupe Fiasco, Moby, and a whole lot more I don't feel like typing. Go here for tickets:

Chicago Summer...starting to feel like hell.

So last week Jody Weiss, superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, stated that although the city has experienced headlining murders and other senseless crimes the overall rate of crime has decreased since last year...or 2008. I dunno.
I don't care.
So, because there's been a decrease that means things are getting better? Are these new figures including just school shootings, bus stop stabbings, drive by park air outs by the dozens sometimes in one weekend?
I dunno.
But I find it pompous for him to point out such a statistic without identifying the TYPE of violence that has decreased. The suspects are getting younger, and so are the victims. Was that considered?
AND if these figures are true, isn't it ironic that the year our crime is the lowest in, whenever, is the same year the Chicago Police Department reported having the lowest amount of city police in, whenever? (They're hiring 100 more by the end of the summer, apparently.)
There has to be a better solution than a to-be police state. Neighborhoods are being red-lined as simply terror zones. Terror zones are not, PEOPLE are here, they're trying to raise families, they're trying to live. It's hard to have pride in an overpriced city with ridiculous weather that you can't even feel safe in.
Yea I know, every city has crime. But that's no excuse either.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Melly Mel...He's Just Doin Him

Are we REALLY surprised at Mel Gibson's "behavior"? Lol I'm not. NO I didn't EXPECT him to go on a violent, racial rampage, but I'm not surprised at his obvious opinions of other nationalities.
I'm not big on Mel Gibson's movies but the last one I remember with him having a good relationship with a Black person is Lethal Weapon. PLEASE correct me if there's been one since then.
AND I'm sure Mel has Black friends, may even have Black ppl working with and for him, but where in his acting contract does it say he has to actually like them?
This can go into celebrities' responsibility to respect everyone cuz it's everyone who makes them a celebrity. RIGHT?
Wrong. It's the people who fucking like him back. The people who really give a flying fuck about this man's opinion of their background. The people who were so affected they thought twice about keeping that copy of "Braveheart" in their dvd collection. THE PEOPLE WHO VOLUNTARILY SAT THROUGH "WHAT WOMEN WANT" (I was forced to watch it with my aunt, at the theater...I was 14! That's just not right!)
Mel Gibson is an entertainer. He makes money to entertain, in the form of acting. ACTING. He's not paid to be a good person, he's paid to ACT like one. Just like ol boy from Seinfeld, Michael sumthin, he's paid to make people laugh...including the Black people who proudly watched that show. Just cuz he knows how to make a nigga laugh doesn't mean he gotta like em ey?
I don't understand why people are so angry. Hell if anything, they should be mad that this is actually news, headliners at that! Mel Gibson's racism or sexism or whatever-ism doesn't really affect me as a woman, or a Black person, or a Black woman.
I only get offended when I expect something totally different. And I can't expect anything from something I don't care about. So if a+b=c....
Gibson's rants just let me know something I didn't know before about him, he thinks Black people roll in packs and all Jews are responsible for wars. That's not racism, that fool is just stupid! And I feel that being mad at someone for being stupid is also a prejudice. So don't point fingers ppl.
Let's take this as an example of the backfire of the 1st amendment. Free speech as long as it doesn't offend anyone racially, demographically, sexually, and even mentally. Therefore in order to practice your right to open opinions you have to be sensitive thus educated enough to know that everything you say over a couple beers with your friends isn't something to be repeated publicly.
But Mel didn't say it publicly.
He said it to his girlfriend model chick. Over the phone. So now it's obvious this is how this man really thinks and feels, and what better way to reveal that than anger?
I think we're all racist in one way or another, sexist, and sacriligious even. But we all have our reasons when ultimately we can blame ourselves, our environment, and those we choose to keep around us. Cuz this isn't the first time Mel has expressed his feelings, I'm sure of it, and it won't be the last. But when you see him on film, you're gonna want to assume he's not that person. WHY?
Cuz he's such a great actor. He has awards and stuff.
By the way, there's still an oil leak goin on, if anyone still cares.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tired Black Relationships (part 1?)

Whattup wurms, hope you had a happy 4th, and hopefully a better 5th. Well if you checked the page last week I posted a couple pieces about the struggles from the perspective of a Black man and Black woman. Though the literature expressed the "strong Black woman" or "strong Black man" as dead, it displayed all the hardships and dehumanization endured. They reminded me of "Diary of a Tired Black Man." My mother recommended it and I was very hesitant to watch simply cuz I thought it was another Tyler Perry stage play.
Note: My opinions of Tyler Perry are mine and mine alone and had no influence on my perspective of this blog's topic. Though I feel he has a tendency to use the Black church as a catalyst for making money from terribly written, terribly acted, cliche-plotted scripts which only translates "COONERY" to the masses, his intentions most likely lies in the hopes that Black men and women will take deeper looks at themselves, therefore having a desire to improve their relationships with each other.
Or he just tryna get paid. Money in the bank bitches!

"Diary" begins with the following clip. The actual movie, scripted wise, is about 45 minutes to an hour. It's the meat in between that makes the sandwich, as the director takes the clips to the streets and gets real opinions from the public, mostly Black. I would highly suggest watching this, it's still on On Demand or you can buy it (support indie filmmakers).

TREATED!! Okay I really REALLy wanna tell you the rest, but it'll kill it. HOWEVER I will say that the movie is about the events leading up to the scene you just saw. There's alot going on...the bitchy wife, the no-man-havin judgmental friends, the white girlfriend in the black man's's definitely a conversation piece. But like I said, it's the EVENTS LEADING UP that matters, and trust the public's opinion fits right into the story, AND the point of it.

In the Black community, not only are broken relationships common, but the reasons are too. From women being molested by close ones during childhood to men being raised only knowing women as bitches and ho's, we've heard em all. The problem is breaking the cycle. Of course we're all affected by our environments, our parents, our self confidence, but as adults we have a responsibility to maintain healthy relationships to continue the love and life cycle. A.K.A. the Black Family.

Pride, insecurity, mistrust, ignorance, dishonesty, and impatience are all descriptions of too many relationships. And when both Black men and women have their own reasons for expressing both it's hard to come to a medium.

I could go on forever on this topic, but I hope all of you are able to watch the movie. Though it's from the perspective of a man, women can definitely relate, at least the ones willing to admit their own faults lol.

Don't marry someone you won't be able to stand in the end. Don't insult or belittle the one you once promised love to. Hell don't do alot shit you know is bogus simply cuz you've already given yourself to this person right? The effort and faith you put into a relationship is the same that you put into yourself. And just like any project, hairstyle, job, etc you try sometimes it doesn't work out. The strength comes in the ability to keep the same peace and love you came in with, cuz if you leave it behind with a bad relationship there will be none left for the next person who comes along. And you know what they say, you'll never know when the ONE comes along.

I'm kinda sleepy, but trust this is one to be continued ppl. Stay happy and loving, grab your lover and get freaky. Just keep it going, and if it's just not working, accept that.
Trust me, this is advice given from someone who SHOULD'VE used it and NOW knows, not someone who always knew. Best believe that's the best lesson you never wanna learn lol. Take care ya'll, and lemme know what you think.

Always Urlee,

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tron Legacy Trailer!!

Where my REAL nerds @? It's's so time.
Tron Legacy recently released its trailer and I'm so hyped I need a drug test. Check it out, and for those who have never seen/heard of Tron, here's my take in 30 seconds:
An arcade employee tries to hack into his former job's computer system (ENCOM) in order to prove his video game ideas were stolen so his ex-chick uses her really smart machine to transform him into software data so he can go into the system but oh no! they find out and he needs help from Tron, a security program to help him defeat the game and hopefully escape or at least being able to prove that his ideas were jacked.
Mmkay?? Here's the trailer.

I got to remember to exhale! Aaaand it's gonna be in 3D. Made by Disney...well at least we know no money will be wasted on effects! Geeked!

Friday, July 2, 2010

"The Strong Black Man Is Dead"

The strong Black man is dead...While struggling with reality with being a human instead of a myth, the strong Black man passed away. Doctors say he died of natural causes, but those who knew him know he died from being silent when he should've been speaking, calm when he should've been raging, but he did not want to inconvenience anyone so he kept his mouth shut.
He died form an overdose of other people clinging to him when he didn't even have the energy for himself. He died form loving women who didn't love themselves and could only offer him a crippled reflection. he died from not having the resources to arise his children and for not being able to do a complete job of it. He died from the lies his grandfather told his father and his father told him about life, women, and racism He died from being discriminated against as a child and having to take that truth everywhere, he went everyday of his life, exchanging the humiliation for guilt and anger.
He died form being called boy by someone who hated him and he allowed it to break his spirit because he could not defend himself. He died from asphyxiation, coughing up blood from secrets he kept trying to burn away instead of allowing himself to feel the pain he was entitled to feel. He died from being responsible, because he was the last rung on the ladder and there was no one under him he could dump on. The strong Black man is dead. He died from the hangman's tree; he died from sweltering hot sun while working in the southern cotton fields, and the northern streets of drugs.
He died from being a father at 15 and a grandfather at 30 and an ancestor at 45. he died from being dragged down and sat upon by urn-evolved men posing as brothers. He died from pretending the life he was living was a Kodak moment instead of a 20th century, post slavery nightmare! He died tolerating Ms. Pitiful, just to have a woman around the house. He died from lack of trust; he died from not knowing how to assist his brother when his brother needed help. He died from giving up his dream of wanting to be a singer, a dancer, a business man or some significant other.
He died from lies of omission because he didn't want to bring the black man down. he died form race memories of being beaten, dragged, snatched, and sold, whipped and worked to death. He died from tributes from his counterparts who should have been matching his efforts instead of showering him with dead words and empty songs. He died from myths that would allow him to show weakness without being chastised by the lazy and hazy. He died from hiding his real feelings until they became hard and bitter enough to invade his mind and heart like a nasty cancer. He died from not always knowing how to love and respect his women.
The strong Black man is dead. He died from being called a Nigger...He died from verbal, he died from being called a punk because he was assertive. He died form never being enough of what a woman wanted, or being too much fro the woman he wanted. he died from being too Black and died again for not being Black enough. He died from castration every time someone thought of him as an animal or treated him like the dirt on the soles of a pair of shoes. He died from being misinformed about his mind, his body, and extent of his royal capabilities. He died from being locked up because someone thought they had probable cause to lock him up. He died from loneliness because no one would listen to him. He died of shock in courtrooms where he stood, alone, knowing he was innocent, but who the hell cared? He died in allies, shabby hotel rooms, and bathrooms with his veins busting open with self hatred and neglect.
He died in his mind, fighting life for the truth, while his body was carted always and stashed in a human warehouse for spiritually mutilated. Sometimes when he refused to dies, when he just refused to give in, he was killed by lethal images of a Cadillac, drugs, and dead presidents. Sometimes, he was stomped to death by his own people, executed by hi-tech ignorance while he walked away from his family, his community, and the race on his back! The strong Black man is dead! Or is he?

I hope you all enjoyed reading both parts of this piece. The similarity of both symbolizes the fact that although Black men and women have different issues with each other, we face the same issues from everyone else. I think the author was trying to say,
"Black men and Black women are strongest TOGETHER. Cuz apart our problems are parallel but unidentifiable. Apart, we are DEAD."

--Oh, and if anyone happens to know the author, please lemme know. He/she deserves kudos. Please stay tuned for my thoughts and hopefully open discussion!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"The Strong Black Woman Is Dead"

The following piece was given to me by a good friend, unfortunately it was an emailed forward with no author. So thank you Anonymous, for "The Strong Black Woman Is Dead."

While struggling with the reality of being a human instead of a myth, the strong Black woman passed away. Medical sources say she died of natural causes, but those who knew her know she died from being silent when she should have been screaming, smiling when she should have been raging, from being sick and not wanting anyone to know because her pain might inconvenience them. She died from an overdose of other people clinging to her when she didn't even have energy for herself.
She died from loving men who didn't love themselves and coudl only offer her a crippled reflection. She died from raising childrem alone. She died from the lies her grandmother told her mother and her mother told her about life, men, and racism. She died from being sexually abused as a child and having to take that truth everywhere she went, everyday of her life, exchanging the humiliation for guilt and back again.
She died from asphyxiation, from secrets she kept trying to burn away instead of allowing herself the kind of nervous breakdown she was entitled to, but only white girls could afford. She died from being responsible, because she was the last rung on the ladder and there was no one under her she could dump on. The strong Black woman is dead.
She died from being dragged down and sat upon by un-evolved women posing as sisters and friends. She died from tolerating Mr.Pitiful, just to have a man around the house. She died from sacrificing herself for everybody and everything when what she really wanted to do was be a singer, a dancer, or some magnificent other. She died from lies of omission because she didn't want to bring the black man down.
She died from myths that would not allow her to show weakness without being chastised by the lazy and hazy. She died from hiding her real feelings until they became hard and bitter enough to invade her womb and breasts like angry tumors. She died from never being enough of what men wanted, or being too much for the men she wanted. She died from being too black and died again for not being black enough.
She died from being misinformed about her mind, her body and the extent of her royal capabilities. She died from knees pressed too close together because respect was never part of the foreplay that was being shoved at her. And sometimes when she refused to die, when she just refused to give in she was killed by the lethal images of blonde hair, blue eyes, and flat butts, being rejected by the O.J.'s, the Quincy's, the Cuba's and the Kobe's.
Sometimes, she was stomped to death by racism and sexism, executed by hi-tech ignorance while she carried the family in her belly, the community on her head, and the race on her back!
The strong Black woman is dead! Or is she?

I'd like to open the blog for discussion, only after I publish "The Strong Black Man Is Dead" tomorrow. Oh yea brothas, I got you too. In the meantime, I urge you to watch the docu-film "Diary of a Tired Black Man." Excellent film exploring the REAL issues of Black women from the perspective of a decent Black man who got tired of getting beaten down by his wife. Trust, it's bout to get deep.

Peace wurms!

To all my wurms....

This is dedicated to you. "Is it" by Cee-Lo. Check out this hot mixtape Stray Bullets. Listen to the lyrics, then let me it still good? I know I been on bullshit but can the strength of DUB keep you in the nest? Lol really tho...
I'm back.
"' worry."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ALL MY CHICAGOANS!! This week is poppin!!

Just wanted to make sure all of you got the NEW invite. RECESS! will be held every 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month. So THIS Thursday it's going down. Plus it's my Dad's bday so if he comes thru I'm clowinin lol.
OH, and don't 4get these other great events coming up SOON...
THIS WEEK NIGGAS! (At least where you'll find ME

Wednesday 3-7-10:
Verbal Balance hosts Say Something Wednesdays! @ Corner Cafe
Open Mic and Featured ArtistsQ
85th n Green, 10pm, $5
Featuring Artist Abyss Graham from Atlanta by way of Detroit!
Come Out and Exeperience Poetry in a new way...

Thursday 3-8-10:

Hosted by Diori (ME!)
Backstory Cafe every 2nd & 4th Thursday, 6100 S. Blackstone

Friday 3-9-10:

Tapedek-The Afters Cool Show
Art, words, and music inspired by the late DJ Tapedek. I'll be performing, and many many more talented ppl. We doing it 4 Chris ya'll!
Chicago Art Department
1837 S. Halsted

Saturday 3-10-10:

UPRISE show @ Subterranean
Real MCs, local Chicago talent!
2011 W. North Ave, 10pm (doors open @9)

So there's the agenda, hit me up if you have any questions or wanna promote a show of your own!

Monday, March 29, 2010

My MOM's 5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Have Anal Sex

Close your mouth, it's hanging open a lil.
Lol I know I know, WTF right? Look my mom and I discuss everything openly and candidly. So NO, my family does not sit around and talk about butt sex all day. Some of us definitely joke about it though lol.
Anyway, my mom and I were discussing a lil bit of everything, from Tiger Woods hoe issues to the new season of America's Next Top Model to (all of a sudden) why would a woman enjoy anal sex? She said she understands gay men cuz duh, there's no where else to put it. But
Lol she said she was watching some show on MTV or whatever and some girls were joking about how guys like anal. She's a true joker so she had me DYING laughing when she made me promise to never have anal sex. Moms always make you promise not to do some shit (no pun intended) you weren't gonna do anyway.
So from our discussion I was able to draw 5 reasons NOT to have anal sex.

1.It can rip your asshole!
2.It can fuck w/ur digestive activity and cause stomach problems
3.Doesn't that shit hurt?
4.(and I MUST quote) "He might be pushing something back up there that's trying to get out!"
5.That's just not what the asshole is made for. And doesn't that shit hurt?

Lol like I said these are HER reasons. She's not a medical professional or anything so if you like to get down like that more power to ya. And more lube to ya too!

To be honest, I wanted this article to be symbolic in a couple ways. I wanted to talk about the best asshole I ever met, my mother. Lol take it how you want, but she's a true asshole, hell both my parents are.
But she's a different type. She's a reliable, honest, open minded, educated, and experienced asshole. She raised one, so I know one when I see one. She always speaks her mind with very little regard for emotions. She handles business and never lets business handle her. She made sure that no one in the world knows everything she knows except her only child, ME. That, my faithful wurms, is my definition of the perfect asshole. AND if anyone knows my mother they know I say that with love and all my heart.
I also wanted to emphasize that in this day and age it's important to be on some decent communication level w/ur parents. Things are different these days, we all know that. The fabric of the strong family is often unraveled. Nevertheless, as adults we need to not only stay connected to our parents but be an example to our youth so they too can feel comfortable about opening up. It's too much going on to have closed mouths.
And sure, we don't get to choose our parents, so do what you can. Sometimes the only connection some have to their parents is memories. Let's change the cycle.

Hope you enjoyed reading, if not, then you too are a true asshole.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Suge Knight...STILL keepin it "gangsta"

Ya'll ain't see this one coming? Omg I swear Suge Knight gon be 65 years old STILL jumping rappers w/10 niggas and whatnot. Here's the details I scooped from TMZ

Cops: Suge Knight Wanted for Beating, Robbery

Posted Mar 23rd 2010 4:00PM by TMZ Staff

Suge Knight a Suspect in Robbery CaseSuge Knight is a wanted man once again. The former Death Row Records head honcho allegedly beat and robbed rapper Yukmouth last night ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Sources say it all went down at around 10 PM at a Ralph's supermarket in the San Fernando Valley.

According to a law enforcement source, Suge and roughly 10 members of his posse allegedly beat up Yukmouth and then took $92,000 worth of jewelry from him.

Sources say Suge and his entourage are suspects and cops want to question them.

We're also told there's a previous misdemeanor warrant out for Suge's arrest -- which makes it unlikely he'll visit the police department.

Read more:

Cops: Suge Knight Wanted for Beating, Robbery

Monday, March 15, 2010

Just wanted 2 say thanx....

Hey Wurms!!
You know I mean that in the BEST way possible. All of my blog subscribers, YouTube channel watchers, cheesecake eaters, "Daily Wurd" text recipients, hat & scarf buyers, and ALL OVER FAMILY, you truly are appreciated. I sometimes feel I put alot more on my plate than I can handle, and maybe I do lol. Nevertheless I try my best do deliver nuttin but love and honest opinion. If you don't ALREADY know how to reach me, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace (I'm not that active tho), this blog of course, and my email is
I hope all of you are remaining in the highest spirits and levels of love, peace, understanding, and all those other good nouns. Ur support keeps me a quick nap...or a Twix bar lol.
Stay tuned to all my avenues for more videos, articles, opinions, crafts, cheesecakes, and whatever else I can cook up. Take care Wurms,

Saturday, March 13, 2010

RECESS!! It's Time To Play...

Come express yourself and your art at RECESS! An Open Mic hosted by yours truly. Yes I'm excited to be hosting my first gig. Not to mention @ Backstory Cafe and Social Center, a cozy spot with delicious, HEALTHY menu items and tons of monthly events. Let's support local businesses...did I mention free WiFi? Yeeeeah.

Thursdays (including this 1 coming up) @ Backstory Cafe, 6100 S. Blackstone
(Take Stony to 60th street, go west to Blackstone)
Time: Doors open @ 7:30pm, Show starts @8pm
Cost: $3 but THIS Thursday 2 people get in for $5. FO DA LOW!
For more info on Backstory Cafe hit up or call 773.324.9987

Even adults need a little playtime...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are You Flickin Serious?

Hopefully none of my godchildren will request this one, cuz I refuse to buy it and would hate seeing them enjoy it. Check out the Flickin Chicken game. Yeah, flickin...chicken.
Don't think too hard now, or you'll lose the point of the game.
It comes with a frisbee shaped dart board and 4, count em 4, rubber chickens. Not special rubber chickens, I'm talking the corny joke,Fonzy the Bear rubber chickens.
That's it.
Throw the frisbee dart thingy and wherever it lands is where the game will be. Cuz then you toss a chicken. At the dart thingy. On the floor.
After NINE ROUNDS of that bullshit the player who gets the LOWEST score wins the game.
I've found 3 good reasons why I'm offended. Ya'll just choose one.
1. It's a recession. The last thing we need to teach children is how to waste good chicken.
2. I dunno how kids feel bout this,but in a world where 6 year olds have cell phones & can practically install their own cable, tossing chickens at a frisbee is stupid. I don't care how imaginative children are SUPPOSED to be, this would suck. Man this sucks worst than the 18th round of tic tac toe, or marbles. God I hated marbles.
3. Look, I'm Black okay? Random chicken throwing hurts my stereotyped heart.

Not to mention the retail price is bout $25. Man that's enough for a fifth of drank, a chicken dinner and bus fare. Of course that's not a child's definition of a good time, but someday, it might be...
Back on topic. Ppl, ever since the Pet Rock manufacturers have been able to get hard earned money out of parents everywhere for some of the dumbest toys ever. So dumb they're almost offensive lol. So ppl be aware of what you buy, especially for your kids. I mean, you buy them stupid shit,they start to appreciate stupid shit. Cuz this game ain't creative, it's chicken shit! Get it? Okay I'm done.


Monday, March 8, 2010

DJ Tapedek...legend and friend. Rest In Peace

Christian Hales, aka DJ Tapedek made his transition last week. He was a good friend of mine and musical genius. His music blended jazz, hip hop, and international influences. (All my followers, you may remember his music being featured under "Chicago Hawt Shyt" on the blog) If you haven't heard/seen his work you've missed out.
Check out to download his discography from Afters Cool Society for free.
Chris, I miss the hell outta you. My tater tot pimp, I'll see you when I too reach that better place.

Earthquake hits Turkey

Over 50 people killed in a 6.0 magnitude earthquake that hit eastern Turkey early this morning.About 80 aftershocks measured between 5.5 and 5.8, all happening around 4:30 am.
Though Turkey has a history of earthquakes, including one in 1999 measuring 8.0 and killing almost 20,000 people, I can't help but feel a little fear as to what this earth REALLY has in store for us. I never use religion as a base for future world destruction; I see human beings destroying earth with my own eyes. So, with a heavy heart I'd like to show you what's happening overseas. I'm sure this won't get as much press as the other earthquakes. All these natural disasters aren't what's "in" anymore.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How I REALLY Feel About Black Men Dating White Women...

(Re-posted from Facebook)
Ok. Whew.
I dunno. I just don't know. But I do feel like this.
Black women: Don't complain bout brothas having relationships with white women cuz most of ya'll find no shame in a Black woman dating a white guy. I hear ya'll in the salons. Alot of ya'll also refer to "these niggas" as not "being shit" alot too.
Black men: Don't be talking about you've tried and just can't seem to find a Black woman who supports you. You happen to find a white girl you're into, that's cool. But your reasons reflect you as a person. If your true preference is a Black woman then you man up and spend time finding the right Black woman. Now if your true preference is open, then be about that. But trust it's good Black women out there, so if you're going to date outside your race, don't use that as a reason.
I don't care. I feel Black people have a long way to go before demanding who the next one can date. We need to work on ourselves so we can shine our natural light and attract each other. True love has no color, that's just how it is. But what we can change is how we love ourselves thus changing how others view loving us. Black people, that is.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Come thru and hear some fresh live music! Hip Hop, real that is.
Plus this concert is night 2 of my 3 Night Birthday Celebration, "24 Years Deep In This Son!"

As you can see this show will definitely be worth it! See you there!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This is a Wacka Flocka Shame

For those of you FORTUNATE enough to not know anything more about Wacka Flocka Flame than it possibly being a new STD or Sesame Street character, I'll give you a quick lowdown.
Mr.Flame, a prodigy of Gucci Mane (so we're ALREADY on the wrong track) is a 23 year old "rapper" from Georgia. His mother is Gucci's manager and CEO of So Icey Entertainment. That's bout it. I did a little more research and found he really is a big deal in the South, and was Gucci's AR and main promoter.
I had to give a little background because Flocka's hit single "O Let's Do It" has been creating an interesting buzz in the hood and the industry. The drug-dealing glamorizing song made its way to radio stations and ringtones everywhere within a matter of weeks. The beat was so simple and repetitive I found it stuck in my head until the day I truly listened to what he was saying...

"I fucked my money up, damn/Now I can't re-up/Ran off in his spot just to get my stacks up...Heard he talkin shit but this ain't what the fuck he want/Locked my CEO up/Now it's back to coka/Niggas talkin shit bruh, hang him by a ropa/Hit em with the choppa...Call me Waka Flocka aka young wild nigga/AKA young drug dealer/Got purp, got kush, got pills got white/In the trap all night with the hard and the soft"

And that's just part of VERSE 1. This song is played at ALL times of day,and yes music has basically went beyond all moral and ethical boundaries, but what the fuck? He don't get arrested or nuttin?
His appearance? Questionable. His lyrics? Wasteful. His intention? Genius. Think about it. Instead of trying to be original Flocka obviously felt the best musical route was to surpass the level of ignorance ALREADY being glorified in the media. Forget rappin bout trappin, he's just gonna say straight out, "Drug dealing music/Hey,I influence..." Not to mention his line of locking his CEO up; isn't that his mother??

Anyway, a few weeks ago the nigga gets shot in the arm for not giving up his chain. Cuz everybody knows us niggas love our chains!! The internet goes wild, some sites even claiming he's dead. I didn't see the big deal, anyone who's willing to BE THE INFLUENCE OF DRUG DEALING MUSIC must expect a couple bullets every once in a while. Hell even 50 cent released his first album in a bullet proof vest!
So when I saw the following video I was disappointed, yet relieved, to see that yes,a nigga rappin about shooting can possibly end up getting shot.Shit happens, take a look:

"These lame ass niggas ain't got no fight
Kick in my door we gon shoot out all night
Home of he Braves shawty shoot em with a K"

Just wanted to make sure ya'll remembered who we were discussing BEFORE watching his punk ass on the video. I don't condone violence nor do I feel it's necessary to express in hip hop. I mean, there are sooooo many rented Lamborghinis just waiting to be rapped about. But if you are gonna claim thug, BE THUG.

We can already validate his retardation from the fact he didn't give up a friggin chain with a gun pointed to his face. So I'm gonna charge this one to him simply being a fake. A truly dumbass fake,but a fake nevertheless. And I'm elated Mr. Flocka is able to express himself thru stupid music; maybe if ppl see stupid ppl SUFFER from their stupid ways they'll stop doing stupid shit. Cuz if Wacka is a product of his TRUE environment, our future is DEAD. Unfortunately, our current problem is youth wanting to live AND prosper off of stupidity, and if more niggas like Flocka keep getting shot they'll start to see the truth.

1.Yes, I can rap ignorantly and get rich off of music buyer's vulnerability to lack of POPULAR good music
2.Yes, I can glorify selling drugs and killing ppl so long as it's on a track and YouTube without the possibility of any arrest.
But when you mix 1 and 2 with REALITY? Well...
Yes, I can possibly end up dead or in jail NOT JUST because of 1 and 2 but because there are other niggas out there who want 1 and 2 but cant get it...leading to
3.Yes,I can get shot over a chain. And it will hurt. Cuz so far I've learned that nothing protects FAKE rappers from REAL bullets.


Oh come on,Lebron James comparison? Somebody get offended, PLEASE!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Truth"-A short film by UGLY

What better way to break my blog-laziness than with a short film by none other than Malari "UGLY" Tilford. This brotha is not only a sick poet, performer,writer,hip hop artist,actor,but a good friend and constant motivation. Simply entitled "Truth" this short film expresses God's view on his creations, esp those of color. Please take a few moments and enjoy, I promise you will.

Plus my otha brotha Derek "Pretty Boy" Dow filmed it.You know,the superstar who I had the privilege of getting interviewed by (check the bottom of my blog). I love being amongst greatness.
Check out this CHICAGO artist at

Thursday, January 28, 2010

If you weren't able to catch Barack Obama's first State of the Union Address (I dunno why I capitalized all that) grab some popcorn, sit back, and have a peek. I didn't post this because I "like" Obama, or cuz this is indeed a historically monumental moment. I was able to catch a clean 35 minutes of the speech, and for the first time I was able to see a Black man stand before the nation that he rules and recite a speech of dreams. For the past 8 years we've had to worry about war, oil, terrorists, etc. NOT SAYING Obama's focus is COMPLETELY geared in the most necessary direction, but there was a plethora of possible AND impossible feats to achieve before his term ends, let alone a chance for 4 more years.
Anywhoo, I really, really hope you take an hour (and 15 min if I'm not mistaken) and watch this w/me. I'd also like your thoughts, opinions. Hell do you think Obama has lost his mind lol? Let's find out what else could be history changing. The popcorn's ready...shhh...

Congratulations once again to our first African American President, Barack Obama. Change is still progress, and progress is a process. We're ALL going thru it. Have faith in yourselves, your families, and your communities that things can CHANGE. Mad love and pEaCe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

OK It's time to REALLY support our locals ya'll.
IF you haven't heard consider urself learned. ADD 2 is a hot fresh MC who's been killing the Chicago hip hop scene. He's now in the running for MTVU's Best Freshmen of the Week. Gone watch the video and start voting! Let's keep our MCs on the map!

Now copy and paste this link and start voting. And you can vote over & over so there's no excuse lol.
Hit up his website and give a listen to his newest mixtape that's buzzing like a bee, Tale of Two Cities Vol. 3

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm Single (That's that piece)

Let me clarify
I'm single not cuz of my status w/a guy

Or a girl

I'm single like the mold was broken
As in
I'm an individual, not the token

Put me anywhere and I AM DIFFERENT

A Pisces of 2 Aries, there was nothing ONLY about this child
I was single then, and I'm single now.

I'm single on this hustle,tho some choose to join me
Single on my decisions, my risks, my bets
Single on how to make him scream
Or already singled out the next.

The non plural I until our energies collide
When I single you till we are single in time.

(That's that piece)

I dunno if that makes sense,but it does to me. Peace

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"I think I better let it go...(let it go baby)"

As you all know, I want noting but to start off year 2010 right. Right thinking, right money, right relationships, so it's natural to expect a few things to go wrong. It creates the balance we know as life. And when one life ends, like life, we must go on. With that said, please take a moment for the two big losses of 2010 so far.
The victims (so far) of the earthquake in Haiti
Teddy Pendergrass
Though my heart hangs very heavy for Sir Pendergrass, right now I'm more focused on the disaster in Haiti. The earthquake has been compared to Hurricane Katrina, however I can't juxtapose the two. Unlike Katrina, our current president actually cares about the efforts needed to aid Haiti. Also, this is a COUNTRY, not a couple US states. However, just like New Orleans a whole culture is at risk, a rich history is being crushed beneath broken asphalt.

You and I see headlines, news updates, and join Facebook groups relating to "helping the cause." But really, really imagine being a survivor, a victim, or simply being present. This is a natural disaster caused by unnatural forces (what I believe about the weather I will not elaborate on at this time) and it's going to take alot more than a couple internet donations and Twitter updates to heal the wounds of this devastating situation.

Watch CBS News Videos Online
Tomorrow I will elaborate on the efforts for Haiti and what you can REALLY do to help. And if you want to compare the earthquake to Hurricane Katrina, here's a good time. Because there are STILL thousands of families dislocated and homeless due to lack of funding, attention, and aid.

But when's the LAST time you REALLY thought about Hurricane Katrina? I mean REALLY? Been a while huh? Let's not let our Haitian brothers and sistas be left in the same abandonment. There are OUR PEOPLE. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, even BRAZIL is sending aid. the more we pull together, the more we can see the light within ourselves.
I have many friends of Haitian descent and who live in the country as we speak. Please pray and send good spirits to those in need. Do what you can, and trust it's more than giving money.

Baby By Me (Obama Welfare Edition)

What's sexier than getting pregnant by a millionaire? Getting pregnant by a nigga with a Link card! Free shrimp n steak for the shorties!!

Give it up for my brother Derek "Pretty Boy" Dow. He put this ridiculousness together lol. Talented promoter, film maker, and entrepreneur. Ladies, keep ur pants on!! Check out his blog, Everything Under the Sun

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a New Year...but It's JUST a new year tho...

Happy New Year, Happy New YOU! I like saying that around this time,cuz it's important to focus on more than weight loss and smoking resolutions. Lol it kinda trips me out how most ppl start their year off breaking the resolution they made that night...mostly after a couple glasses of course. But we have to stop limiting our goals and self control to a year to year basis.

Some ppl went to bed broke on December 31 and woke up broke on January 1. Some ended the year w/the same insecurities as 2009, hell, 1999 simply cuz it's a part of who they are. Others began 2010 w/absolutely no intention of improving their situation. It is what it is. But when the clock strikes midnight, people remember you are not Cinderella. SHIT DOES NOT CHANGE.

You have those same bills,that same family,maybe that same job,hopefully that same sanity, and your same self. OF all just mentioned, which can you control the most? DUH.
So until YOU are New Years ready,stop making 2010 your "mark for change." Think about why it took your ass a whole year to get right anyway. Hell most of the resolutions I hear are things that should've started in October and shit.

Stop smoking
Stop cursing
Start going to church
Start being faithful
Get a better job
Get/finish education
Stop lying
Visit family more
Get in shape

You get my drift.New Years conveniently falls in one of the hardest periods of the year. Most suicides are reported during the holidays, the weather sucks, and ppl get stressed over regrets.So it fits that after all that celebration, and for some loneliness,that ANOTHER holiday comes along to help us forgive ourselves for what happened and hopefully be optimistic about the future.But remember,it was only ONE YEAR.365 days good people, and if you have to wait that long to remind yourselves to do the same shit you should be doing all year round then maybe we should celebrate New Years every other week.

I watched ppl smoke like chimneys up till the ball dropped, my friends take the same shit from their deadbeat relationships,some stuff their face claiming "after the first I'm only eating lettuce" I mean come on!
Get right now,and when December 31 comes, you can sip your champagne, lay back and make one resolution...To continue doing you.

Happy New YOU worms, and celebrate EVERYDAY. Fuck New Years. :-D


It's 2010,so you know I gotta get the rest of the bullshit on my brain out. And if there's one thing that has caused a bit of bull is my sexuality.
I'm bisexual.
That's it. I am SEXUALLY attracted to both sexes. This does not mean I only have threesomes, or I feel obligated to screw every person I see. And even if I did feel obligated it wouldn't be cuz I'm bisexual...
So even in this day and age I have problems expressing my self through sexuality, I'll elaborate.
When I see a beautiful woman, I am attracted just as much and in the same way as when I see a beautiful man. Certain features about both catch my eye. I love African features, regardless of skin tone...large lips, strong bone structure,nice eyes,smile, you get the point.

Ultimately,because I can only see myself actually settling down with a man, I look at my sexuality as just that, my SEXUAL desire that affects the people I involve myself with.
Some of my friends call me a pimp, I feel I'm honest. I've only had 1 serious relationship w/a woman, while in college, and though I loved her,I enjoyed her,she turned me on,but I didn't feel balanced.I felt the emotional scale of the relationship was tipped too far to one side and neither of us were ready to take any control. Not saying that a man and a woman are needed for that balance,but w/me, it is. And I realized that immediately so when I'm w/a woman it's strictly sexual/platonic.
When in a relationship w/a man,I'm still bisexual,but I'm involved with one person,that man.So call me heterosexual,if it makes ur more comfy. And yes,if I'm committed enough and him and I are on that sexual level, my sexuality just may benefit a couple of his fantasies, I won't lie lol. But I don't let guys feel they are subject to a 3some just cuz I like chicks. He might as well be just as worried bout me hooking up w/a dude as a girl. REAL talk.
Women who have tried to get deep w/me got a chance, I'm open. But it's usually the case where the woman's tired of men and wanna try sumtin new, or it's a fantasy she's played so much in her head she wants to live the life. Others are just following the fad. I'm not riding any of the trains.
I'm me.And the problem w/that is people like me who enjoy both sexes are seen as hoes, loose,or nymphomaniacs. Ppl like me don't wanna run around with rainbow flags nor do we enjoy watching a gay couple get publicly humiliated. Something within me allows me to see the same type of beauty in everyone,male or female, and that shouldn't determine my level of commitment or loyalty to a relationship.
We can't be labeled. And sure, there is moral and ethical responsibility when it comes to marriage, and children, but fuck it I aint worried bout that right now. I'm worried about what makes me happy and keeping the person I'm with happy. That may be a dude,may be a chick.
...don't eeeeeeven worry bout it.
And that's kinda how us bi babies hope you can start seeing it. We just don't care, why?
Cuz everyone's beautiful to us. Especially YOU.
Keep loving each other,but not before you love yourself worms.