Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Do Thugs Become Thugs cuz Women Want Thugs?

...or just thug money?

Many of my readers give me feedback on my blogs, and most of the time I use their comments for my next blog, and so on and so forth.So after my "Help Wanted! New Position, Always Hiring!" blog posted a reader made a good point. Sure it's alot of Black men on the corner, and it's messed up, but what about the women who force their men to have "trap star" careers so they can live the upgraded lifestyle...while still in the hood?
Well I don't give answers, I state opinions. First things first I do have to place blame on materialistic Black women. It's too many women out there STILL lonely cuz their #1 requirement in a man is he got to have money. Nuttin wrong w/that,I feel if you gettin cash you should have someone in your life who at least can match your status,and if he can't,you can tell he's trying.
But Brothas are dumb for LETTING women lead them into the corner hustla lifestyle too.So let's just get into it.
Hell I'll take a broke nigga in a minute, and everyone can check my ex for proof lol. But I'm simple; treat me right, cook me sumtin, fuck me till I fall asleep, and TRY. Whatever you wanna do but can't due to money, location, whatever as long as you attempt to go out and get it, I'm right there behind you. IF I leave the house for work in the morning and you're in the same position when I return back from work,we have a problem.Triflin niggas are triflin niggas. And all you triflin niggas know who the hell you are.
But many, MANY brothas are not triflin, THEY JUST UNEMPLOYED. And sistas, we gotta stop knockin em. It's hard as hell to get a job these days, and I see Black men hitting the pavement everyday.Young brothas donned in suits holding 20 resumes on the train with shallow but determined hope across their face. It can be disheartening looking for work, man or woman.But the Black Man in particular has a pride that is often held up by his ability to PROVIDE.So when he's not able, or can't afford, to provide for himself and family, he gets frustrated.
He gets really frustrated.He starts to hate himself, then the world, cuz he knows all he needs is one chance.Whether a college grad or ex-con he knows he wants to bring home the bacon, but just can't. It's probably one of the worst feelings in the world, and ladies, we CANNOT apply more pressure by trying to live an unaffordable lifestyle.
Ladies, if you can't afford to push no Benz, don't expect him to.Even if he does go out, finds 2 jobs just to get you that whip to make you happy, he will begin to see the relationship as a job in itself. Hell while you @ home counting his ends he out looking for a chick like me who doesn't need a big baller. I'm tellin you, let a man know you support him, THEN motivate him to succeed.If he still can't start making moves, BOUNCE.It aint about the money it's the principle. IF He can't put on a tie and fill out a few applications what the fuck else won't he do in the future?
Brothas, if you wanna hustle, if you really wanna live life at full risk, do it.But DON'T do it for a woman. Ur child,pay off a debt,WHATEVER.But u niggas out here gettin money to keep pussy understand that type of pussy only knows money.And you know it's niggas out here w/more money than you anyway.Gone out there and be a trap star if you want,get arrested for sum bull while paper chasin. For what? Cuz ur girl needed extra acrylic on the nails? FUCK THAT. TAKE THE TIME TO FIND A WOMAN THAT WILL LOVE U NOW,IN UR CURRENT FINANCIAL POSITION.Cuz I guarantee that's some real love right there, and your quest for a better job or more $ will come naturally, cuz you'll WANT to support a life w/her, you won't be FORCED to.
To Both: You shoudln't start a relationship with anyone until you are able to support yourself. If you're old enough to be on your own, you can't be strong w/someone else until your strong on your own. That means mentally, physically, AND financially. Sure it's easy to fall for someone, love is a strong thing, but so is money. And protecting yourself from going broke from a relationship is protecting yourself and it's downright smart.
Back to my ex-ample.He wanted to move in w/me, yes even after the whole fiasco w/the other chick and soap opera bull. And though I wasn't interested in another relationship w/him, my heart was still there u know? So of course I CONSIDERED letting him move in,but the eventual HELL NO came outta me and that was that. You see,it took alot for me to get my place,and I would have loved nuttin better than to help a friend in need.But this was my ex-boyfriend-cheater-who-slept-probably-still-sleepin-with-married-woman-neva-had-job-then-doesn't-seem-to-want-one-now lookin ass friend.And if I'm going to improve my future, can't bring along the bad past.It aint cuz he broke, it's cuz his ATTITUDE will keep him that way. N I aint goin.
Point is: Have your own before you get with someone for their own. Feel me? They say love and money are 2 funny things. And if that's the case, make sure YOU have the last laugh.

Keep loving one another.

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