Monday, July 19, 2010

Melly Mel...He's Just Doin Him

Are we REALLY surprised at Mel Gibson's "behavior"? Lol I'm not. NO I didn't EXPECT him to go on a violent, racial rampage, but I'm not surprised at his obvious opinions of other nationalities.
I'm not big on Mel Gibson's movies but the last one I remember with him having a good relationship with a Black person is Lethal Weapon. PLEASE correct me if there's been one since then.
AND I'm sure Mel has Black friends, may even have Black ppl working with and for him, but where in his acting contract does it say he has to actually like them?
This can go into celebrities' responsibility to respect everyone cuz it's everyone who makes them a celebrity. RIGHT?
Wrong. It's the people who fucking like him back. The people who really give a flying fuck about this man's opinion of their background. The people who were so affected they thought twice about keeping that copy of "Braveheart" in their dvd collection. THE PEOPLE WHO VOLUNTARILY SAT THROUGH "WHAT WOMEN WANT" (I was forced to watch it with my aunt, at the theater...I was 14! That's just not right!)
Mel Gibson is an entertainer. He makes money to entertain, in the form of acting. ACTING. He's not paid to be a good person, he's paid to ACT like one. Just like ol boy from Seinfeld, Michael sumthin, he's paid to make people laugh...including the Black people who proudly watched that show. Just cuz he knows how to make a nigga laugh doesn't mean he gotta like em ey?
I don't understand why people are so angry. Hell if anything, they should be mad that this is actually news, headliners at that! Mel Gibson's racism or sexism or whatever-ism doesn't really affect me as a woman, or a Black person, or a Black woman.
I only get offended when I expect something totally different. And I can't expect anything from something I don't care about. So if a+b=c....
Gibson's rants just let me know something I didn't know before about him, he thinks Black people roll in packs and all Jews are responsible for wars. That's not racism, that fool is just stupid! And I feel that being mad at someone for being stupid is also a prejudice. So don't point fingers ppl.
Let's take this as an example of the backfire of the 1st amendment. Free speech as long as it doesn't offend anyone racially, demographically, sexually, and even mentally. Therefore in order to practice your right to open opinions you have to be sensitive thus educated enough to know that everything you say over a couple beers with your friends isn't something to be repeated publicly.
But Mel didn't say it publicly.
He said it to his girlfriend model chick. Over the phone. So now it's obvious this is how this man really thinks and feels, and what better way to reveal that than anger?
I think we're all racist in one way or another, sexist, and sacriligious even. But we all have our reasons when ultimately we can blame ourselves, our environment, and those we choose to keep around us. Cuz this isn't the first time Mel has expressed his feelings, I'm sure of it, and it won't be the last. But when you see him on film, you're gonna want to assume he's not that person. WHY?
Cuz he's such a great actor. He has awards and stuff.
By the way, there's still an oil leak goin on, if anyone still cares.

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