Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Are You Flickin Serious?

Hopefully none of my godchildren will request this one, cuz I refuse to buy it and would hate seeing them enjoy it. Check out the Flickin Chicken game. Yeah, flickin...chicken.
Don't think too hard now, or you'll lose the point of the game.
It comes with a frisbee shaped dart board and 4, count em 4, rubber chickens. Not special rubber chickens, I'm talking the corny joke,Fonzy the Bear rubber chickens.
That's it.
Throw the frisbee dart thingy and wherever it lands is where the game will be. Cuz then you toss a chicken. At the dart thingy. On the floor.
After NINE ROUNDS of that bullshit the player who gets the LOWEST score wins the game.
I've found 3 good reasons why I'm offended. Ya'll just choose one.
1. It's a recession. The last thing we need to teach children is how to waste good chicken.
2. I dunno how kids feel bout this,but in a world where 6 year olds have cell phones & can practically install their own cable, tossing chickens at a frisbee is stupid. I don't care how imaginative children are SUPPOSED to be, this would suck. Man this sucks worst than the 18th round of tic tac toe, or marbles. God I hated marbles.
3. Look, I'm Black okay? Random chicken throwing hurts my stereotyped heart.

Not to mention the retail price is bout $25. Man that's enough for a fifth of drank, a chicken dinner and bus fare. Of course that's not a child's definition of a good time, but someday, it might be...
Back on topic. Ppl, ever since the Pet Rock manufacturers have been able to get hard earned money out of parents everywhere for some of the dumbest toys ever. So dumb they're almost offensive lol. So ppl be aware of what you buy, especially for your kids. I mean, you buy them stupid shit,they start to appreciate stupid shit. Cuz this game ain't creative, it's chicken shit! Get it? Okay I'm done.


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