Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Anti-Violence? or Anti-Action?

When I was a sophomore at Morgan Park High School in Chicago I HATED taking the bus home. CTA sucks and that year I found every way home possible except the bus. Lol my friends to this day dunno that I'd wait for them to leave then take my bike I hid at a teacher's house down the block. And walking all the way 111th and Vincennes to 104th and Michigan was nothing to me.I enjoyed it, but, I knew my path would take me clean cross Fenger High School's campus and lemme put it to you this way.They ain't like us too much. I dunno if it was a rival thing or they simply knew Morgan Park was a better HS.It wasn't the best, but better.So when some MP students took that route, fights would sometimes break out just because, lol they smelled a MP Mustang approaching and if the right group was there...jump city. And you know what I did? Ran. Ran like the muhfuckin wind. I caught a few blows and threw a few myself, but I mostly ran lol. I look back at those times and laugh; I can say it was just a few knuckleheads flexing their muscle, using a high school as a gang. But in reality it wasn't funny then, and it aint now.
When Derrion Albert, a 16 year old Fenger High honor student walked home from school he didn't get that experience.As a matter of fact, he'll never be able to tell his experience because he's dead. The nostalgia I know as simple childhood fights has become fatal, and it's fuckin sad. HOWEVER, I also know this isn't the first and won't be the last incident of unnecessary school/gang violence. Everyone's angered at the parents, the school, the police...where are all the people who are mad at themselves?
We deserve it...this is OUR FAULT. Don't sit there and say you're innocent cuz you aint. You probably one of the many who wait until the news and media gets ahold of a case, blows it up, then you jump up yellin anti violence at rallies and shit.I aint goin.
This gon make alot of ppl mad cuz it's gonna seem like I don't care. I care, ALOT. My 16 yr old cousin also attends a high school on the South Side and during the summer I would have to drop him off and pick him up cuz the buses were too occupied with niggas ready to bang. Last year an old friend lost her nephew to school gang related violence on the North Side.Turn off the TV and really ask ppl who they've lost, you'll be surprised. You'll also come to learn they care more about their losses than the ONE being over televised on the news.
1.We ALL know a nigga w/a gun.That's mistake number one.
2.We GLAMORIZE this shit in movies, music, and even fashion!
3.Everyone screaming it's the parents. Some of US are parents, who you blaming now?
4.When have you really sat down and talked to these young ppl? Not in some after school program or presentation, but in real life.
5.Our focus never REMAINS on anti-violence and stopping the crime. If we were CONSTANTLY active the media would have no choice but to report and keep abreast of ALL the problems

But WE don't.There are some who do take that extra mile, but not enough.I look at all the ppl twittering...I saw a good 3 days worth of Derrion Albert tweets then on day 4 it was back to whatever the fuck we twitter about. LMAO Chicago itself is taking more notice to the Olympics than to ANYTHING, including our at risk youth.
I stay in the hood and love it.I'm a loner but I talk to ppl, I meet ppl everyday and I get REAL insight.
Black ppl are afraid of each other, and fear breeds ignorance, ignorance breeds frustration, and that can lead to violence. We talk big shit about needing to unite and save our children, but when I hit the beauty salon I see mothers calling their kids all types of muthafuckers and bitches. WHITE PPL DO IT TOO they be in Target goin ham on little Sarah and Billy.
YES these brothers are being raised w/o fathers,yes the teachers suck, yes the media is a bad influence, yes the church is corrupt, yes yes yes these are things that we know...when will the blame game stop? And we all will gather at police stations, city halls, whatever to scream and shout and cry and the next day don't do shit. When's the last time you talked, REALLY talked, to your alderman? Do you even KNOW your alderman? Parents, how well do you know your children's teachers, elementary, high school, period? When's the last time you saw a young brother on the corner and told him you don't hafta do this? WHEN WHEN WHEN??
New problems need new solutions and No this isn't a new problem but we SURE ACTING LIKE IT. So start gettin it in.
There are TONS of local programs, right in your area, that have taken the initiative to do action, not speak it. Problem is they're already at work, and when they ask for assistance from the COMMUNITY THEY'RE TRYING TO SERVE they come up short. The CeaseFire organization (which is teamed with CAPS, by the way, a policing organization in Chicago) has been needing funding for years in order to help young ppl get assistance for jobs, going to college, and other needs.

I could go on, but I started w/my story to say this: It was never right, just tolerable.And though it doesn't seem like it, we're still making violence tolerable.Cuz hootin and hollering is not going to take the anger out of these young people's heart, is NOT going to show them the way, and is not going to replace that void with love, TRUE love.
Only we can. We don't have the Dr. Kings and Garveys and Malcolms, we only have us. Other than Obama, our Black idols are those of entertainment. Even Reverend Run started out rappin. And Obama got his head so far up Copenhagen's ass he can't really see what's crackin in his own hometown. So who can we really blame? Ourselves.
You won't catch me at any more anti violence rallies. I go to Mexican immigration protests and lectures on corrupt politics. I will continue to spread the TRUTH about the society these teens are forced to live in FIRST, before making them out to be "bad kids." I will continue to talk to young people, keep in touch, find job and college information, and most importantly, I will continue to relate.
It hurts to see our young people get murdered and hurt, but it hurts even more to see the same unsolved problem get attended to in the same way. Talk the talk, then walk the talk, so we can all eventually fly.

And to the family and friends of Derrion Albert, may God Bless you and keep you in peace. R.I.P. Brotha Albert.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Relationships and Cell Phones? I'm outta minutes..

When you're checkin your phone for bars, you won't find the thin line we cross called RESPECT. We've come to expect way too much from cell phones while at the same time totally abusing its luxury. AND THAT'S ALL IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE, A LUXURY, A PAID PRIVILEGE, A MEANS OF CONVENIENCE. So why does this little pre-paid or contracted,plastic sliding and flippin,Gucci Mane ringtone playing piece of shit have sooooo much power over our connections w/ppl? Cuz we let it, stupid.
Let's get one thing straight. The text message is just that. A MESSAGE. And like any message, voicemail, office memo, email, all get checked when the person is available to check it. Don't send a message needing urgent response through a text. Though many ppl stay glued to their phone's inbox, many don't, and chose to use texting for times not suitable for str8 talkin on a phone. But oh NO, YOU WANNA TAKE IT PERSONALLY.
You wanna go ham cuz it's been 2 hours since u sent a text and gotten no response. A message will always be just that, a message.Waiting to be sent,waiting to be received. So you gon hafta wait up too. Either that, or just, oh I dunno, actually dial the number and call! Try it!
Then you got what ppl are calling, "text tones." Yea. A text is words, sentences, making it literature lol. Just like a book or my blogs, u take words that you see AND NOT HEAR the way you want to. So when you read a text and are left wondering, "what did that mean?" don't try figuring it out on ur own! Cuz u can't! And u have no right.What was said in that text excludes the presence of the person, his/her emotions and physical behavior, all things needed to properly determine one's true mood or tone. NOT the fact you didn't see an LOL at the end so that means the person wasn't jokin come on you're ridiculous.
And don't CONTINUE the text misunderstanding via text.Texting back, "what you mean by that?" will put u further into textual confusion. Ooh I like that phrase, textual confusion. If you're letting words on this little screen get u heated u need to stop NOW, get a human voice in ur ear and get the REAL or suffer amongst the unknown. Your choice.
A cell phone is to replace the home phone cuz we're not at home alot. Great. So why is it soooo hard for ppl to understand just cuz the phone can take calls all the time doesn't mean we can. Ppl got shit to do, and it's nice being able to keep in touch with a click of a button.But once again, that's a LUXURY, not a law..So even the LONGEST cell conversation may not be the most accurate to the person's present feelings and current situations. Small lies become pretty much acceptable, let's be honest. And even when truth is being told, for some reason it always SOUNDS like an excuse on a cell phone. Examples:
"What you doin?"
"Aww, nuttin."
Usually you are doin SOMETHING, just not interesting, or SAFE, enough to say.
"Yea I'm on my way home now."
As he/she stops at a store to get some toothpaste and shit, probably run into a friend and talk for a minute or get hungry and stop again for food. Now it's been 30 minutes and THAT MUHFUCKA SAID THEY ON THEY WAY HOME BUT THEY WORK ONLY 10 MIN AWAY SO WTF RIGHT? Wrong.
"My battery going dead."
Now this is honesty, phones go dead.But some of the time that aint the real deal, but YOU have to accept it cuz, well, you have no choice. You dunno where this person is and won't know till that battery gets up. That's the point.
"I'm gon call you back." or "Lemme hit you right back."
Both mean the same thing, don't even try to pick and choose the wording. Right back is the same as back and they all mean one thing: Hopefully you've said enough of what you needed to say cuz I gotta go and am obviously in a situation where I either dunno exactly when I can hit you back OR probably just won't anytime soon. But there was no specification on when I'm gon call you back, or WHY I should even if u wanted me to.
I know this is harsh, especially for my relationship dwellers out there. But you gotta learn to be STRESS FREE about shit not worth stressin in the first place.

Just last night I got a text from a woman asking was her man w/me. Now, of course I KNEW who it was,just chose not to acknowledge that.I said whoever this is, stay off my phone unless you talkin bout money. There. Now in my opinion, I have a right to end it there, even IF I was w/her "man." But she felt she has a right to call whoever she wants, esp on thirst mode when searching for her man lover lmao. She continued saying he wasn't answering her calls/texts and if he was with me it was my place to tell him she's looking for him...
Lemme give that another moment....
HELL MUTHAFUCKIN NAW IT AINT MY PLACE TO TELL NOBODY SHIT. Esp since yea, he was w/me, but NO we weren't doin anything. And I mean ANYTHING. So I didn't feel in the least big wrong.2 adults, watching the game,not answering the phone cuz,well, we aint wanna. Now by her abusing her privilege of cell usage she has invaded my right of privacy by demanding information. By also using texts she exposed just how pathetic she really is too. But I'm SURE all that wasn't her intention when she picked up her phone;she just wanted to find her man. And I understood, I did, and like any understanding person I told her what she needed to hear. "Fuck off, you thirsty bitch."
Look, I've been through it with facebook, myspace, text, voicemail...seems the last time I had a real beef was this old lady tryna cut me in line at Walgreens last year. Yea I almost dropkicked the elderly ya'll. Lol what I'm tryna say is there's enough issues out there in the world, and here you are with a person who you love, adore, or is great at fucking, whatever and wanna complain about some cell phone shit.
My top 3 rules for this cell phone mess
1.Stop checking ur mate's phone! What you THINK you wanna know you may not find out.But you will for SURE lose ur mate's trust.
2.Stop jumping to conclusions. You could be missing out on your next wife or husband cuz he/she wasn't able to get back to your text in enough time. i know, you call and call and they say they gon hit you back so wtf is the problem? Look, if you're just sick of trying to contact this person, THEN STOP TRYING TO CONTACT THIS PERSON. They'll call YOU when they NEED you. But you knew that already, cuz that's how ALL PEOPLE ARE.
3.Put the phone down. If every time you get a message or a call, or everytime you don't, you're left stressed, you may need to just chill on the wireless plan altogether. Use the damn thing to make necessary calls only, stop the super social status, enjoy talking to ppl face to face. Invite a muhfucka over, take a walk, read a book do something!

Okay I'm hungry now so I'm ghost. Let's try to find ways to love each other ppl. I use my texts for exposure of infomation. Asks my worms, they get daily text of motivation and job information. I'd rather pay AT&T for that than for more venues of misery. Take care of yourselves, and if you too would like to receive "Daily Word from Da Urlee Byrd" text your name to (773)860-7398. I don't mind puttin my real # out there cuz I have no stalkers, and I have no problem hanging up on a muhfucka I don't like. Ya'll take care and uh, text me sometime ;-)

Lol, smiley face.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't get it twisted...this one's for YOU.

As I progress with no stress I can't forget to thank all those that support me. My closest have witnessed my struggle, and supported me through it. Those connected to me through technology and random meetings have taken the time to understand and relate to my thoughts and situations. For that, "lovin you is easy cuz you're beautiful/and everyday of my life is filled with lovin you..." Ladies and Gentleman I present, the talented and beautiful, Miss Minnie Riperton.
La la la, la la la, do do do do dwee do....

Peace worms.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coalition for Tender Thug Reform

It's time. Oh it's waaaaay past due. I've been working hard at this, and I'm proud to cut the ribbon on my new organization, CTTR, or the Coalition for Tender Thug Reform. Ladies, ,this one's for you.
In the midst of recession, poverty, war, murder, and bad hip hop we tend to forget that there are small problems on the rise. I'm not talking about gas prices or the next popular Black hairstyle, I'm talking about Tender Thugs. They're all around us people, and if you're not careful you could come into direct contact w/one or even worse, YOU could be one, and not know it.
Alot of women, all colors, can't help it. They love thugs. The gangsta life, the hood mentality, the whole attitude...yes even the biggest square can't deny a man with a rough edge and "don't give a fuck" swag can be sexy as all hell. Aint nuttin wrong w/that! Hey, I've had some "thug love" and I aint even gone hate! BUT, before you go rollin thru the hood for your next prince charming know what you pickin up. Cuz that may not be a real thug. That could be a Tender Thug.
Like every problem the first step to solution is knowledge. And it is the goal of CTTR to identify the problem and spread this knowledge.
So what is a Tender Thug? To be honest it's really hard to tell, coincidently that mystery is the key to being a Tender Thug. You don't know one right off bat, no, they don't wear t-shirts saying it and they don't get special parking spaces so you have to pay attention. First off, a real thug AIN'T TENDER. Not soft, not emotional, and not trying to "have a talk." So the title itself lets you know you should look for men who seem hard, but you have a gut feeling that this nigga here wouldn't hurt a grape in a fruit fight. They got the tattoos, the clothes, the language, the swag (I guess), even a couple "hood stories" to convince you further. You gotta dig deep! Find the tenderness within!

Does he complain...ALOT?
Does he claim to "run these streets" but just runs his mouth?
Does he constantly get robbed, beat up, or simply humiliated in public?
Where ARE these hoes that won't get off his nuts?
Can you recognize the game he claims to "have on lock?"
Does he take his wardrobe waaaaay too seriously in an effort to protect his "swag"?
and I gotta ask but..
When you argue, do you find yourself wondering if he's gay?

If you answered yes to 2 or more of these questions, you may just be dealing with a TT. You see, a real thug may complain, but whatever the problem trust it gets solved alot faster with silence and action than bitchin and moanin! Real thugs aint got time to surf or swag, long as they jeans and tee fresh they good. They don't need to discuss their ho population, the same way they keeping you is the same way they probably keeping 10 otha chicks lol. He not callin a girl 20 times a day, checkin her phone, trippin on her myspace and twitter comments. He stackin bread and duckin law all the while claimin M.O.B. (money over bitches come on stay w/me). He doesn't have a 9 to 5, doesn't file taxes, doesn't have a myspace page, and doesn't have a favorite reality show...
If you don't get the picture by now, meaning if you still questioning the "thugness" of your beloved dboy, he aint no thug. He may not even be a Tender Thug, but he aint no thug I know that. And that's the beauty. Every man doesn't wanna be a real thug and every woman doesnt want one.
We allow rap culture and media depict being a thug as glamorous and exciting. Women, admit it, alot of us like a man who can toss us like salad in the bedroom and act like nothing phases him. The "thug" represents the part of a man ALL women want: strength, courage, security, and determination. But fellas, don't think you have to be a thug for women to want you. Bring out your "thug" when necessary, but if you regularly mow your lawn and got good credit, just accept your place. Be a good man. Be tough, don't take just anybody's shit, but don't front. If you ain't a thug you don't wanna be, cuz us ladies love the image but along w/it comes police, arrests, court dates, and many lonely nights.
If you weren't raised in "the hood," didn't have to dodge bullets and gangs, didn't have to sell drugs, didn't have to watch police sit on corners, and never got arrested BE HAPPY. There's nothing wrong with you. AND don't think just cuz you live in the hood that makes you a thug either. IT. DOESN'T.
So you see, a Tender Thug only becomes a problem when the need for a REAL THUG arises. A strong man can become a punk bitch when trying to impersonate a thug. It's just a bad look. And some women allow it...pumpin these brothas' heads up making them feel like the hood star...HE AINT SHIT! Build him up on the level he deserves. Replace "oh boy you so gangsta" with "Oooh boy you got a savings account!"
You know what I mean (savings account? I need to stop smoking)
And fellas, just be yourselves. Your sexy, strong, chocolate (or vanilla, whatever you are), humorous, protective, intelligent selves. Make ur persepective and ur penis speak louder than your image. Cuz the sexiest thing in a man is one who's secure enough to be REAL.

Please respond and report any Tender Thugs you may see. We can now identify the problem. Let's solve it. Tender Thug counseling and seminars available, and soon to come is my blog on Tender Thug attire. Nigga you knew those were leggings when you bought him! Fitted ASS!!

The CTTR is an independent, non profit organization based in Chicago, IL with the sole purpose of treating and healing the disease that is Tender Thug. All contacts can be made through DUB,

Monday, September 21, 2009

ACORN...Pimps? Or just doin their job?

Last week ACORN was exposed for illegal practices brought to light by an undercover video of a prostitute looking for tax money to open an underage brothel. Deep huh? Even sounds like a setup doesn't it? Well I'll let the video speak for itself. But before we smash em, let's learn about em!
Here's a lil background on ACORN, or the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Established in 1970, ACORN's goal is to fight against the oppression and injustice of many low and middle income communities in over 40 states, mostly including minorities and immigrant citizens. Some of its biggest achievements include aid and exposure of rights for Hurricane Katrina victims, voter registration (approx 1.7 million registered since 2004), fighting to raise the minimum wage, and fundraising for public schools. (source:
Historically, ACORN has helped communities conquer unbelievable feats, however, through my research have found many of those victories may have been in vain of their desired political gain. I felt it was also important to note ACORN's website endnote: ACORN is a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C.


Please watch the whole video; it's long but you will be floored, trust me.

SO if this is a non profit ORGANIZATION, not political party OR corporation, why is it the ONLY recorded community organization that receives FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS? Approx. $53 billion since 1994 according to Usually, in non profit organizations donors are allowed to write off their donations on their taxes, but wouldn't that count any FEDERAL involvement? And if it's not for profit, I repeat, who receives tax dollars IN RETURN, WHERE THE HELL DO THEY GET THE MONEY TO PAY THEIR TAXES TO GET SUCH HUGE RETURNS IN THE 1ST PLACE?
Yea it seems these nuts need crackin. I really didn't know shit about ACORN until Senator McCain kept throwing the name around for Obama's involvement during his political campaign. And I still had to dig deep for more info on ACORN's recent scandals.

I was lucky to catch this interview on Fox News Sunday, with Bertha Lewis, CEO of ACORN. Her avoidance of questions make you really lose faith in ACORN's true intentions.

That's right I gotta give it up to Fox News for finally shining their spiteful light on the the right black people at the right time. I said it! Watch the video! These niggas showing prostitutes how to get tax write offs! I got a real job and can't get a damn EXTRA tax write off! WTF!
This video is not evidence of the stereotype that Black ppl are ignant, but it helps. ALOT. And for some reason it took awhile for the media to take heed and jump down ACORN's throats. WHY? Why can they interview Michael Jackson's florist and make a 2 day report on what was in Chris Kelly's car before his suicide before making a big deal out of where billions of tax dollars are really going? You know why?
Cuz if the video wasn't leaked, you wouldn't know. And that's what's SUPPOSED to happen. This is something that affects ALL of us, not the last celebrity breakup or what city Oprah decided to shut down this week (no offense, just saying. I love Oprah), but real shit. Think about it:

1.Minority established, Black ran and chaired
2.Politically endorsed non-profit organization
3.Funded by federal tax dollars and major corporation donations

Seems like the perfect recipe for an organization with a success rate for helping inner city youths, young single mothers, ex-offenders, illiterate citizens...also seems like the first story smoking the minute an employee slips...not a flippin prostitute whose earnings will fund a political campaign...
...whose earnings would fund a political campaign? Wonder who else has benefited from ACORN? And you can point the finger at just Obama if you want, but remember, this organization is over 35 years old. I'm sure even if Obama DID have illegal involvement, he wasn't the only one.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to Cheat...and How to Get Cheated On...(The Conclusion)

This is gonna be easy. Simple, short and to the point. You see, I almost left this part out, cuz this is for those who KNOW they're getting cheated on. But there are still ppl out there thinking they're being cheated on and really aren't. There are ppl who are holding on to what they KNOW no longer exists. It's 2009, ppl no longer have to say "It's over" for it to be. People give signs clearer than a stop light and their mates/former mates just refuse to accept it. Not only do they refuse rejection, they wait until their mate finds a new person to call it cheating. Like I said in Lesson 1, KNOW YOU'RE BEING CHEATED ON before taking the steps to healing. Cuz you may be hurting for no reason at all.
Do ya'll even talk anymore? When you call does he/she even answer anymore? When ya'll are together do you find yourself TRYING to be attractive to your sig other? When you are together does it seem like you're even there? If you answered yes to these, well you may have already been dumped and just not know it. Now what your mate is doing isn't right, I feel a person should verbally communicated when he/she is tired of being w/a person. BUT, I also believe aint no point staying w/a person you KNOW FOR SURE DON'T WANT YO ASS ANYMORE. You may not know he/she is cheating or not, but you starting to realize it was over before you even started your suspicions. IF the person you're with is not expressing the same love you are expressing, or the same love they promised to express in the beginning, check URSELF. This person may be seeing other ppl, you found out bout a trick he was buying drinks for in the club, she won't answer your texts but when she's w/u every call/text gets answered, you know the deal. But if your sig other mentally has given up on you, and seems to not even try to keep it secret, you've been dumped. Sorry, no reason to accuse of cheating here, just pack up and bounce. Unless you're a chaser. Some ppl get a rise outta chasing ppl who don't want/no longer wants them. IF your mate doesn't even wanna talk to you anymore, why you even worried bout who he/she fuckin round with? Sholl aint you! So move it along!!
You'll end up lookin like a fool in the end. Know your status in the relationship, throughout the WHOLE relationship, and you won't get caught looking stupid either.

So are you ready for it to be over? Or have you decided Biggie deserves one more chance lol. Either way, you've made it to step 4, and I'm proud of you. Whatever your decision is is the best one cuz it's YOURS.
If you've decided it's over, learn from your lesson. Open your heart to the world, the only direction is up from here. You are a beautiful person, please don't validate yourself by how ONE person feels about you. Avoid conflict avoid conflict avoid conflict. I don't care if you live next door to the mofo, if you are moving on, tip your hat to the past and look forward. Stop trying to see who he/she dating now, asking ppl what dirt he/she has gotten into, basically STOP DRAGGING THIS ON. It's like driving a car with a flat tire. Oh you'll still be able to drive on that flat, but no one else will wanna ride w/u, behind you, or around you. You'll be this walking hazard light cuz you just can't seem to get that tire replaced, and your life will not progress, at least not positively. STOP THE CAR. Get out, change the tire, hell get a car wash, and if you aint got time for that, park that muhfucka and head to the bus. It's time to start your life. Cuz it never ended. Especially not cuz of this one person. AIGHT?
IF you've given it one more chance, do just that. Give your mate the benefit of the doubt, we all make mistakes and everyone deserves a FULL chance to make it up. So let him/her do that. Hell if you need to restart the relationship, help yourself heal by learning the REAL person you're dealing with. Love this mofo even more than you did before, cuz if you become paranoid she/he will do it again you will not be able to enjoy the full potential of what this connection could bring. YES I've seen ppl cheat and work it out, earn that trust back and some are still w/the person, happily, to this day. You chose this person for a reason, and now you've forgiven this person for a reason. That reason is LOVE, and if you aint got enough of it left for that person, don't pretend. Don't make this person beg and plead for your true forgiveness if you will constantly throw it back in his/her face. It's a lame excuse to release your insecurities and a terrible way to show the person you're even worth proving shit to anyway. Be the good person ALL THE TIME. Work on THE issues, not YOUR everlasting issues from the cheating.

I hope my guide has helped you all. Like I said I don't promote cheating or think it's cool. I've faced some all time lows going through cheating and being cheated on, and anyone who is reading this is someone I got mad love for anyway. I don't wanna see anymore ppl go under cuz of this subject. Cheating happens, but it doesn't have to ruin your life. See the last 2 words of that sentence? YOUR LIFE. Live it, Love it, LOVE EACH OTHER. I appreciate you all reading my work, and I wish all of you the best of luck in love, and everything else you do.
I love you, and if he/she doesn't, somebody else will.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

How to Cheat...and How to Get Cheated On (Lesson 3)

LESSON 3 (I started w/chapters, I dunno y my bad. ) HOW TO GET CHEATED ON
Well, I gotta say my heart always gains a few pounds when discussing this topic, simply cuz other than being a cheater in the past, I've also been the cheatee. And lemme tell ya one thing, both sides are happiest when the cheatee doesn't know (duh, I know right?). But you do know, or you think you do, fellow cheatee. Calm down, I know this hurts. But we gon get thru this, THE BEST WAY WE CAN.
Before I begin, understand this was the hardest part to write because I kept drifting into "How To Tell If You're Getting Cheated On." But that's not the title, and that's not my motive. I am not Joey Greco I feel like you'll find out you getting cheated on when you supposed to find out. I HAVE NO IDEA how to tell if you're getting cheated on, sheeeyit if I knew that, I wouldn't have gotten cheated on! Really tho, people have gone decades w/o knowing they're being deceived. People have raised families behind their mates' backs, established whole other relationships right under the nose of the one they love. And trust, people seem to get better or get worse at cheating everyday. But they never stay the same cuz you gotta switch up your style to keep something secret feel me? I'm not here to confirm your suspicions. So keep that in mind, this part is for people WHO KNOW FOR SURE THEY HAVE BEEN/ARE BEING CHEATED ON.
1. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. I don't know nor do I care what your mate thinks of you and what's been going on in the relationship. Your mate chose to be with you, and STAY with you, therefore it'sshis/her obligation to accept your flaws, or bounce. If you and your mate are in an exclusive commitment where both agreed to be intimate with ONLY one another, both have to keep up the bargain. I feel a person has a right to leave, not to cheat. You've basically been ripped of your chance to invest time and emotions in a faithful person and the last thing you need to be thinking is that it's your fault. Now, if this is the 2nd time you been ceated on and you're reading becomes partly your fault. Once you accept a cheater back in your life don't always assume, "once a cheater, always a cheater." But at the same time, don't be surprised or disappointed. Cuz you been given the best warning there is, after the first time it's an at-your-own-risk-situation.
DON'T go back into the past and start blaming yourself for all the shit you did. DON'T look at yourself as any less beautiful, handsome, or any less desired. DON'T mistaken this person as "one half of your soul" and all that bull cuz yes, you can live without her/him. Cuz this person's behavior should tell you one thing and one thing only. They wanted to be with another person. THAT'S IT. May or may not have shit to do w/you but at this point that's all you need to know. HE/SHE JUST WANTED TO BE WITH ANOTHER PERSON. Another person AND you, OR you...and sometimes WITH you lol. It ain't right, hell naw! But that's all it is. No matter what the reason that's where you need to start, mentally. If you are gonna go into the past, use the past to remind you of the mistakes you'll never make again and the good times to remind you of how great a person you really are :)
2. Just like I advised my cheaters, Imma tella you too. Decide to decide. Make up your mind. The hardest thing to do is tell your friends it's over and show up w/the mofo at the club the following week (oh some of ya'll know exactly what I'm talking bout). If you gon talk about it, be about it. Now I have a lil 3 day rule, simply cuz I spent months getting over a situation, and I feel that's just too fuckin long. Plus, 3 days is a weekend and a weekday. This breakup should not affect your job, your TRUE friendships, and your desired lifestyle (goals man, I'm talking GOALS). The 1st day of discovering you're officially a cheatee, I think, should be spent going ham. Now if you desire to not go ham I'm with that. I DON'T condone violence and serious threats against yourself or anyone else, please don't go there. But if you need to let a muhfucka know how you feelin let er rip. Apologize for what you want lata, but if you really just wanna get it out, and you KNOW YOU BEEN DOING RIGHT, gon head! That person DESERVES to hear every damn thing you got to say whether it sticks t or slides out their brains. Go home, have a good cry, don't start throwing ya shit around, lol you gon be mad lata.
Day 2, make the decision. You KNOW you been thinking bout this shit since it happened, time to say yea or nay to this one. And if you can't make a decision, decide to ask the person if THEY'RE willing to make the decision. Cuz one of ya'll have to. And the longer you wait to do this, the longer you will hurt.
Day 3, MAN UP. Tell your mate what's good, and what's not, and if they can't accept it, BOUNCE. If you don't believe him/her but the love is just that strong, hey, I ain't hatin I already know! Gone extend the program a few more days. You don't need to stress, but remember, you don't need to procrastinate either. Not to mention you'll have such insecurities you won't be able to even trust your mate. If you forgive your mate, FORGIVE YOUR MATE. If you just can't get over it, like for real for real this time? BOUNCE. TRUST ME, making up your mind and sticking to your pistols reaps benefits. Live positively and learn from your mistakes. Cuz that break up to make up shit gets old, fast.

Is the conclusion next? I dunno. Naw for real I dunno I write this stuff off top of my dome.
Coming sooner than lata tho... Lesson 4

Stay tuned...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How to Cheat...and How to Get Cheated On (Lesson 2)

I say prepare for war because you basically have one person invading what other calls his/her property. No, you're not a piece of meat, but they're supposed to be the main piece of ass cuz you told him/her so. You hear the love songs, that shit's real. People hate getting played, and finding out all those late nights and missed calls was cuz of this muhfucka? Aww naww it's on!
And it will be, so understand at this point it's time to be completely honest. Like a bank robber wanting the combination, you have a 50/50 chance of surviving if you lie OR tell the truth, but you'll most likely live if you can up the combo quick enough. Might come out pistol whipped but you'll be str8. You know once people find out they've been lied to first thing they wanna know is WHY.
1. Tell the truth. You had a lil buddy w/benefits, the boo came home too early, blah blah blah. You REALLY think lying at this point is a good idea? Now I can see running into your sig other at the mall w/ya side piece, you might try to pull a "this my cousin," but that MAY work ONLY if you've followed lesson 2 properly. Last thing you want is two ppl goin @ each you and each other over who you said you loved and all that ham. Even if you lied TO BOTH all the way up to this point. Give it up. Wanna know why?
But you did, throw the cards in, you folded. Give both parties at least a chance to decide if they still really want you. Now have you decided who YOU really want? Hope so....
2. Defend THAT person. Don't EVER catch sudden amnesia in front of your ONE for your NONE, or vice versa. The person you tell you love everyday aint tryna sit up here proven ya'll really together together, he/she has enough to handle.
Oh I never said this was gon be easy. But you've seen results of the old way, try the new way...lmao get ya tires slashed up if ya want to I aint goin...
Anyway, my advice is to take a deep breath, no matter how heated the situation is getting, give yourself 10 seconds to just focus. FOCUS! This is a defining moment in whether or not you gon be tapping the same ass you been the past while.

5. Understand what cheating really is. Ask 5 separate people what is cheating and I bet good money you won't get one straight answer. Reason being is because cheating is usually ultimately defined by something you're doing that you wouldn't want your other doing. Trust, cheating is NOT JUST LYING. People lie everyday. Hell people lie and then complain they getting cheated.
For example, I had a couple friends who were a couple in college. Now the girl was the cheater, however she never had to lie. Her boyfriend never checked her phone, never asked her many questions, really never inquired of her "male friends," even at points when some would agree the signs were clear. She'd answer the phone when he called, they'd go out as scheduled, rarely argued, and had a great relationship, in my opinion, for her to be doing what she what doing. That's until she got pregnant by one of the other guys. She told her boyfriend she's having another man's baby and THEN had to break down the WHOLE timeline right there, in one convo. They're still together to this day, but she is constantly under surveillance now, he does check the phone and ask questions, oh the irony.
Once you do something w/someone else that you would have to completely hide in order to save your relationship, I feel that's cheating. You're a guy w/femlale friends? Just friends? Treat her like ALL YOUR FRIENDS. You aint "just making out" w/ya boys, don't do it w/her. Cuz that's the first thing your main one will ask, "Would you want me doing the shit you doing?" If yes, hey, ya'll might be able to open up a whole new door lol, but if not, respect that.

6. LEARN FROM IT. Even if you get caught cheating and decide to do it again...don't do the same shit! I mean come on, you got caught the LEAST you can do is step ya game up. Keep it clean, erase the texts, avoid bringing the side piece around ya close ones (Hell don't even bring him/her to ya favorite restaurant lol. Streets are watching!), stop fucking people on the same block as you. I mean really, really. Your actions follow your name.

~DO NOT involve any children in your bullshit. Kids are smarter than most of us, not to mention are walking tape recorders. Fucking the babysitter, or the kid's teacher? Go to THEY house lol. They don't need to be witness to your various partners anyway. NOT COOL.
~DO NOT engage in unprotected sex. 2 reasons why. 1.The person you're cheating with is cool w/you cheating, probably, so could have something else going on also. If ya'll not strapped, he/she probably doesn't strap up w/someone else. So now it's like you fucking that person, and someone else. THEN if your sig other finds out you cheating and decides to do the same behind your back, he/she may be out on that same shit. Everybody bringing home something, and it aint the bacon.
~Once you've done it, forgive yourself. How can you ask anyone for forgiveness if you haven't done it for yourself? You are human, you make mistakes, IT'S OKAY. Even if the love of your life leaves you, everything happens for a reason. You knew this was coming. Make this a move into maturity, into a way to keep you from doing it again. you've got to move on.
~Sit down and really think about why you did it, why you made the effort in the first place. Cuz if we're all on the road to true love, cheating is a slow detour in the opposite direction.

Well that's it, that's my guide on How to Cheat. Understand I wrote this only with the motive to open up a door we all keep so tightly closed. I feel that cheating ruins lives almost as much as drugs, crimes, and poverty, however there is no law against it (unless you're married but you know) so there's no neutral party to say who's wrong. There's just pain, anger, and distrust. However it will never go away, so it's better to deal BETTER than keep dealing the same way. Constant statistics show most female inmates are there for hurting or killing a mate over cheating. Being a pimp is cool and lack of commitment is also a fad these days. Children are left without both parents. The list continues, so if at least some of the bad results can be avoided, why not? We're all good people, but good people do bad things. Not to mention you just had ANOTHER argument, it's bout 1:30am and you're in the club buzzed like a bee when in walks your soon-to -be problem. Lol so whatcha gon do playa?

Comin sooner than lata...How to Get Cheated On

Stay tuned...

Friday, September 11, 2009

How to Cheat...and How to Get Cheated on (Lesson 1)

Alrighty, sharpen your pencils. You enrolled in this class not to become better at cheating, but to UNDERSTAND it. If you're really using this guide for your personal ventures, know I write from PERSONAL experiences. What works for me may not work for you. Not to mention if you already cheating/being cheated on it's BEEN time for a plan B. And this aint it, aight? Oh, and don't get it twisted, if you got it good enough to where ALL PARTIES INVOLVED ARE FULLY AWARE OF THE ACTIVITIES AT HAND, I feel that isn't cheating. It's dating. We grown, let's be grown in here!

1.Decide to Decide. Just by talking to this other person you know you wrong. But it's happening. As your significant other walks to the back corner of your mind you become intrigued NOT with what this other will or can do. Oh no, it's about the first feeling. The first moments of meeting someone usually makes the best memories of any relationship. Tellin someone they're sexy, or someone telling you you're sexy, the flirting, you wanna keep finding out why these hotties come outta everywhere THE INSTANT you become involved. Whether you give a flip about your sig other, you still claim that person, You already got what you want at home,but for whatever reason, it isn't enough. And I mean FOR WHATEVER REASON.All cheaters are dogs, male and your reasons are your own.
Decide the lesser party. Not the lesser PERSON, the lesser party. The person you like to just chill with, or the one you just like to fuck. The one who you KNOW is marriage material, or the one who would be if only this and if only that. This is important because balancing 2 people leads to equally loving 2 people in totally different ways. That's the "exciting" part.
The variety. Even your one night stand could really be the ONE, you'll never know, unless you put the time into that one night stand to find out. If your shit hits the fan, 2 or more ppl will know they are sharing you...who do you want to have the bigger piece, and most importantly which one is willing to accept ur sloppy seconds ass once all is found out? For some, the initial decision is the hardest part. IF you're comfortable w/ur decision to continue being a dog, woof woof muhfucka let's move on!
2. ACT RIGHT. One of my favorite quotes from my grandmother is, "If you gonna be dirty, keep it clean." You can't control what people know, find out, or suspect about you, but you can control your OWN clues to the mystery of your commitment.
If you been doing something w/someone, keep doing it. If you want both people in your life, as in you really care bout em, show it.
Fellas, you tell a lady you gon call her, JUST CALL HER. Even if you have to lie when you call her, call her. Don't let the missed calls/texts build up, esp if all along she's used to hearing from u 15 times a gotdamn day. Ladies, stop playing these fellas off! "That nigga aint shit, I use him for dick." LMAO chica he's using u for pussy too, not to mention u gotta make time for him just to get it. Always be the best half of urself u can be...if you gon dog one person to keep another pleased, BE SINGLE. All of a sudden you're not in the mood, never home, blowing shit off. YEA you may be getting tired from all that sneaking around, but you want to keep that part secret right? ACT RIGHT.I mean shit, you having your cake, eating it, and getting seconds. Both parties deserve to at least feel the love YOU promised.
A mistake can be forgiven but a person's character is never forgotten. The further you lead ppl on, the more life-fucking-up you're doing.
3. STOP assuming this will last forever. Even if you go to your grave w/o anyone knowing, trust the balance of love between the two parties over time will become less and less even. That in itself leads to problems...TALK SHOW SHIT. You got the method down, but be honest, do you really wanna keep playing both sides of the fence forever? You really cool with leading 2 totally different lives? AIGHT then cool, but like I said b4, make sure EVERYONE is feeling the same way you are. Otherwise you're planning a fucked up future, and that's just stupid.

I'll end here. I want this to marinate for Lesson 1 is really all about the initial decision. See the biggest mistakes cheaters make is forgetting to think. Forgetting that although shit seems sweet, every moment is a possibility of gettin your shit blown. Forgetting that once you lie to one person you love, to save the love of another, you've taken on an acting role of a lifetime. Get on ya Denzel game.

Coming sooner than lata...Lesson 2

Stay tuned...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thank you, Chris Rock

We know him well for his rant on the president and the big piece of chicken. He's still one of the top selling comedians in history and can still bring people to tears from laughter. So why is Chris Rock's new documentary kept so under wraps? I don't fucking know. All I know is next month, he will release "Good Hair," a documentary hosted by himself with the purpose of exposing the extremes Black women go through to have "good hair." From the trailor alone I'm geeked.
He seems to go into how we define good hair, the industry's profit, even goes so far as to try to sell bags of black hair to an Asian beauty supply...and gets rejected. I WILL go see this movie, matter of fact I will hold a trip to the movie, this should be seen by everyone. As a natural hair enthusiast, I've always felt my hair is good. Real good. But it's your confidence, strength, and KNOWLEDGE OF SELF, that makes YOUR hair GOOD HAIR. Progress is a process people, and a process is not what should go on your hair lol. B ez worms.

How to Cheat...and How to Get Cheated On

I HAVE NO APOLOGIES. I call myself DUB (Da Urlee Byrd) for a reason. Not cuz I be up early, but cuz I be up on it early. By it I am referring to The Game.
I know what you're this bitch crazy? Well, yes. Yes I am. With that said, I invite you to open your minds, and not your legs, to my opinions on this open ended topic...CHEATING.
Like many of the topics I write about, I am not an advocate for, promoting, or condoning this behavior. Nevertheless, I've watched the best ppl turn evil and the strongest go weak from lack of knowledge. You see, we all know alot of ppl cheat. It's a fact, will never change, deal w/it. It aint right, but I'm not talking about what is right. This is about what IS.
I have been the cheater, the cheatee, and both at the same time. I write from experience.
Cheating has ripped apart families, ruined great reputations, lead to violence (in some cases deaths) and the list goes on. Hell you might as well look at cheating like its AIDS or poverty. This is also a fact.
Cheating is a 2 way street, everyone loses. Even for the most pimpin ass purple donned player, successful cheating only works if both are working it. Same goes for being cheated on; can't get cheated on by urself, someone has to cheat on you.
No matter what, more than one person loses something. The cheater loses one more ounce of freedom, having to always check the phone, staying on top of the lies, basically splitting the part of his/herself already given to one person in half to share w/another. The cheatee loses his/her mind lol. Let's be real.
Now once again, I'm not for cheating. I don't want you going to sleep re-evaluating who you're with cuz now there's a bootleg guide for how to get down. If you love the one you're with, and you have absolutely no reason to doubt that person, stop reading here. It's like carrying umbrellas in the desert. What you worried bout?
From every intuition comes information, understand that. Women believe they are born w/it, men call it instinct, gut feeling, 1st mind, 3rd eye, whatever. As humans we are given the natural power to be in touch with truth without any evidence. With this knowledge we have a choice, act on it, or leave it alone. And that simple decision is where this blog comes in.
I am opening this blog as a discussion, also, due to the fact it happens so much. Many of you will be angered w/me, some surprised, and others in full agreement. As long as there are open opinions, we can take steps closer to finding the social medium.
I conclude this introduction saying this. Karma is real. Whatever you do will come back to in unexpected forms.
For those who decide to cheat, know you are hurting someone else, thus hurting yourself. Even if you don't get caught, the universe has taken your order for destruction and trust your food's coming soon.
For those cheated on, know you have been hurt, and tears of a broken heart waters the soil of the soul. (Damn that was smooth, yea I just made that up). You are already stronger just by surviving the wrong done to you, and you DID NOT DESERVE IT. But if you choose not to learn from it, sorry for ya! Futures aren't bright for people who keep running back to the past.
SO, here it goes. I wish all of you the best of luck in love, but it's hard for me to sit by and watch the same mistakes made by me, and my close ppl. You woke up in a shit pile, cheater or cheatee, I just wanna help you get a little cleaner. Ready?

Stay tuned...

What I been working on...

Notice the absence? Yea sorry bout that, but trust I have goodies in store. This byrd's been in the nest cooking up more recipes for destruction. Lol it just may be TOO real for ya. Check here lata on for my mini-series, "How to Cheat...and How to Get Cheated On."
And no, this ain't hypothetical. I'm keeping it real, with a true perspective of a cheater and someone who's been cheated on. Fly w/me worms, I take you for helluva ride.
Check back lata!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Brown Paper Bag...Hood Specialty...

From now on, I will limit my use of the word "random." I feel it is used loosely, especially for thoughts that are simply more important to one person at that immediate moment than most.The most extreme example is the occasional streetwalker carrying on an intense, but confusing, conversation with him/herself or whoever cares to know, the Red Line train tweakers.Anyway, I said that to introduce this blog and it's purpose. I'm dedicating this to THE BROWN PAPER BAG.Oh yes, the brown paper bag. As I take a sip from my 24 oz Red Stripe I keep it in its brown paper bag not because I'm too lazy to remove it but because it belongs there.Almost like hood insulation, keep the brew cold. This inatimate object has as much history in my 23 years of existence as Saturdaymorning cartoons. Details are my specialty...When I was young the brown paper bag represented straight up good times. I ate cafeteria lunch often, so when I rocked the BPB it meant we were going on a field trip. HELL YEA!! Plus my mom used to hook my lunch up, sometimes needing assistance from the ever present plastic Walgreen's bag (church). After school we'd walk to the candy store and go ham, running through the neighborhood trying to swap the best of the best of other kids' BPBs. "Aye lemme get 10 of yo chews for these lemonheads!" My mom used to work in our church's bookstore, making sure she buy me some candy and an occasional book in what else? As I grew older the BPB became a part of my everyday. My best meals came in one, acknowledging the best tasting has grease spots included. Rip it down the middle, instant plate. My friends and I had some of the best times drinking beer from one,most of the time just chillin and reflecting.The BPB also played a part in my reality. Unmentioned family and friends falling victim to what they always kept in the BPB. Drugs, illegal money, or too much liquor...many of us have seen what the contents of a BPB can do to a life. Some risk their lives to get what's still kept in the BPB, street business. It is what it is. at age 7, I found something in a BPB in the alley near my house, the first time I would ever hold a gun. For some reason, I feel there are others who got the same love and hate for the BPB as I do.I'm not promoting any illegal activity, I'm just talkin bout what I know and remember. And as I look back, there are many small items that can instantly throw me back into a certain memory. And the BPB is one of those things. It's right up there with soul food, CTA bus cards, and any song by The ISley Brothers.SO the next time you see a BPB let it be an inside joke between you and I. Lol to be honest, I feel I'd be a totally different person if it wasn't for the BPB. And if it sounds ridiculous, that's cuz you simply can't relate.

And I understand, you know, cuz EVERYBODY TELLS ME I'M SO FUCKIN RANDOM...BUT nevertheless, this is for The Brown Paper Bag, not me. Thank you, BPB, for being such an almost invisible staple in life.Now I'm gonna take my drunk ass to sleep.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Real DOLLS get down on the floor, on the floor?

Many of my friends have families now; I've been blessed to see the most beautiful children come from the knuckleheads I love to call fam lol. So as the holiday season comes near, I try to look out for the new toys. I TRY to be a good godmother lmao.
So when I came across this doll, I knew this toy-giving season would be a funny one.
Not sure of the maker, just saw the story about this doll on WGN news. Named the "Pole Dancer," this doll shakes and jirates on a tall silver pole beneath a disco ball. Luckily she's dressed like a little girl so your kids are sure this is a girl, like them, not an adult dancing on the pole. Look closely at the box, lmao the advertisement says "Up and down, go round and round." LMAO you know the mothers of America are going ham. has already started the search for this toy and its maker. I don't think it really exists. And if it does you'll probably find it at the stores w/no windows. Ya'll know what stores I'm talkin bout.
No, in America this toy wouldn't get past the pantent company's desk. There would be lawsuits from here to year 2012 and beyond. Strippers would get blamed for all these young teens getting pregnant and being hoes. Gentleman's clubs everywhere would be the sites of protests, while performers like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga make PSAs about how although they aren't "trying to be sexy, they're just expressing being a woman." Or it was just for fun. Or...
People would see the result of their actions. We live in a sex-drenched society geared to keep the image of what's beautiful ingrained in our minds. Look at exercise commercials, what are these people's goals? To fit into a certain size, they wanna look good in bikinis, shirts off, or mini skirts. Music videos? Let's not go there. Advertisements and commercials from laxatives (yea, check that Benefiber chick, she's hot) to beer to cars still use sex or sexual figures to sell products. They even brought back shows like 90210 and Melrose Place to further expose these goofy teens as sex thirsty rebels. Let's face it ppl, being sexy is cool. I aint' saying it's right, but it's the truth. Flash a titty, get talked about for months. Flash a charity check? Uh, yea that's nice but where's the titty? Lol even if you ain't got cable you can get off from a Spanish game show anyday. Them chicks be on there damn near naked!
SO who's to blame for this doll, whether real or not, and why are these parents trying to destroy it? I haven't heard any of Miley Cyrus's sales drop since she dropped it like it was hot on the pole at the Teen Choice Awards. Bratz dolls skirts seem to get shorter and shorter everytime I walk through the aisles at toy stores. These are results of a successful marketing method that has worked for years...SEX SELLS.
Its sells everything everywhere to everyone cuz who doesn't like sex? And children get smarter and smarter while they get more and more misguided. They see how guys react to the pretty, skinny, loose, "Spring Break!" ass girls. They see how much more fun it is to be what we see on MTV, shows like "The Bad Girls Club," ya'll know what I'm talking bout. This shit is inevitable.
I feel the stripper doll is a representation of what could possibly become of what we're feeding our children. We have to guide them from sunup to sundown, cuz the real influence happens outside the home these days. Hell we even got sexy teachers in school, fresh outta college and shit still 23 teaching young kids who wanna act like they 24 lol.
We have to educate them first, banning a doll won't ban their imaginations. Answer children's questions, be honest, show them the consequences of their desires. Got a little girl who wears too much makeup? Show her a pic of bad acne. Got a little boy who fights too much? Take him to the Roseland Hospital ER.
They say your personality is determined by age 6. So basically kids have an idea of at least what they want to do very early. It's up to us to let them know we've seen what happens, we've seen the results of what you're doing.
Cuz little Pole Dancer here may already be what some little girl has decided to be. It's never too late ya'll.